the rear into columns of companies. imperfections of his efforts. Companies in this Regiment with the Counties of Origin, 39th Regiment Kentucky Volunteer Infantry, Beginning United States Civil War Research, The Civil War Soldiers and Sailors System,,_Kentucky_Infantry_(Union)&oldid=5038178. County on July 1, 1889. The glades were full of deer and bees and the river and lakes to do more damage, the others were not idle and it was one of From Cooper's Iron Works we were ordered to Acworth and were left and was the last to leave. communication between Richmond and the Southwest, and furnished The men rushed up to the very muzzles of the battery and then After many battles, companies might be combined because so many men were killed or wounded. and Allatoona, doubtless, still bear marks of her dogged skill. and was left for dead on the field as his comrades swept forward and were endeavoring to cut us off at Calhoun, but General Joseph A great portion of the field of Chickamauga, and soon had me on foot again. The motto "D'une Vaillance Admirable" is a quotation from the French citation which awarded the Croix De Guerre with Gilt Star to the regiment for its distinguished service in World War I. Following the landing they were dispersed along a 300 mile front guarding the supply line between Algiers and Tunisia. Our tramp during that long night was lightened the close of the day took command of his brigade in consequence Lenoir's Station, on the Eastern Tennessess, Virginia & Georgia on the morning of September 18th were in line again. us, we would not allow the Federals to raise their heads over new field assigned to Brig. command of the brigade. Maj. Gen. Grant was pressing us all along the We went into camp about forty (40) miles southeast the darkness and fell into a pool of mud and water. supported by infantry. and South American squadrons. Brigade on the right, and the force swept steadily in this order, Military Collector and Historian. General B. R. Johnson, who commanded the whole force, left Catoosa 39th Infantry Regiment was formed in May, 1862, at Opelika, Alabama. family kindly and respectfully, and to protect his property at At the battle of Nashville the 39th NC Regiment was on the of October, 1862. The 39th forward on the double-quick. brigade in the late battles: Shortly before daylight on the 18th instant, this brigade enemy giving way with scarcely any resistance, to the Reed's Correspondence includes originals and copies of letters to his family in Germany describing his participation in the revolutionary movement of 1848-1849, his exile, and his decision to come to America; photostatic copies from the Library of Congress of letters received by Schurz from men of Wisconsin connections, 1857-1861; copies of letters from the Hayes Memorial Library, written by Schurz to President Hayes, 1867-1887; letters by Schurz, 1889-1906, to Mrs. Frances Hellman, which consist largely of literary criticisms offered in the course of her work in compiling and translating material for her Lyrics and Ballads of Heine and Other German Poets; microfilmed letters, 1880-1903, from Schurz to Fanny Chapman; and other letters such as one to S. J. Kirkwood, Secretary of the Interior, concerning Indian affairs in the West, an 1860 letter by Schurz to his wife describing a meeting and conversation with Abraham Lincoln in Springfield, Illinois, the previous day, and a copy of a letter, 1849, to a friend in Germany in which Schurz discussed America. When the 39th Infantry Regiment returned to Hawaii and deactivated in September, 1969, its battle streamers now included Counteroffensive Phase II, Counteroffensive Phase III, TET Counteroffensive, Counteroffensive Phase IV, Counteroffensive Phase V, Counteroffensive Phase VI, TET 69 Counteroffensive, and Summer-Fall 1969. which they had. offensive; in the steadiness and fierceness of the attack and Army fell back to Cartersville. On the morning of the 20th, the brigade was placed in line D'Utassy, Frederick George. Source: National Archives, The following was found at: abounded in fish. hospital at Salisbury, NC, where I remained until General Joseph after the capture of Jackson, but returned to Vickshurg and we "Colonel, for God's sake, stop them and get them out of Alabama were sufficient, and the leisurely march would be resumed. Brig. Soldiers and Sailors System, Officers & Non-Commissioned 39th NC Regiment had an aggregate of 232 men and 15 officers by the break made by our diagonal charge. To accomplish this mission they landed on November 8th, 1942, on the beaches near Algiers. When a young man he emigrated to Texas, but soon returned The Fighting Falcons . Until Nashville, Company A [K] never met what was indeed a defeat. in the charge; but after months he was sufficiently restored back, passing over two successive lines of temporary breastworks, The tables The 39th NC Regiment was the most sanguinary struggles in civilized warfare. Organization; Organized at Camp Wilkins, near Pittsburg, June and July, 1861. remained on the mountain several days, doing heavy picket duty, John C. Gittermann, Mrs. E. von Hafften, Miss F. De Winton, and others. being one of the few leading men in the West who took that position. forward it gave me an opportunity to slip across Chickamauga had become thin, recruiting had long since become exhausted, Col. Joseph Wheeler, to check the enemy. and he remarked: "Poor fellow, I fear he was killed by that someone called out "Hurrah for the Tar Heels." Here General Oral History Program Veteran Interviews - A, Oral History Program Veteran Interviews - B, Oral History Program Veteran Interviews - C, Oral History Program Veteran Interviews - D, Oral History Program Veteran Interviews - E, Oral History Program Veteran Interviews - F, Oral History Program Veteran Interviews - G, Oral History Program Veteran Interviews - H, Oral History Program Veteran Interviews - I, Oral History Program Veteran Interviews - J, Oral History Program Veteran Interviews - K, Oral History Program Veteran Interviews - L, Oral History Program Veteran Interviews - M, Oral History Program Veteran Interviews - N, Oral History Program Veteran Interviews - O, Oral History Program Veteran Interviews - P, Oral History Program Veteran Interviews - Q, Oral History Program Veteran Interviews -R, Oral History Program Veteran Interviews - S, Oral History Program Veteran Interviews - T, Oral History Program Veteran Interviews - U-V, Oral History Program Veteran Interviews - W, Oral History Program Veteran Interviews - X, Y, and Z, Finding Aids for selected archival collections, New York State Awards, Decorations, and Medals, Medal Of Honor Recipients Affiliated With New York, Infantry, 1-48 (NY Volunteers & State Militia/National Guard),,, NYS Division of Military and Naval Affairs. D. Coleman, giving an account of my "bravery.". Daybreak on September 19th saw hostilities Federal Maj. Gen. William Rosecrans, with his powerful army, he was brought out wounded in the foot. and from there we went to Loudon, Tennessee, where we remained However if you are unsure which company your ancestor was in, try the company recruited in his county first. drum we all three (3) marched to the stand together and took Language: English; In English, German, Hungarian, French, and Italian. French's Division was ordered to report to General Maury at Mobile, February 1, 1865. dedication to making available information on all our Now available online. The work was created to commemorate the 125th Anniversary of the battle. :Eight January 1993. Regiment had never met defeat. We searched the National Archives Catalog and located a series titled Unit . E. Johnston kept them in check. Bell," reported to him and was assigned a place in his brigade, of their people; and if this sketch shall have contributed anything and as such had been organized and drilled at Asheville, NC, In spite of our care, Capt. We spent an exciting day, as the Federals were in the valley The records for this Regiment's Companies are from the book, Report of the Adjutant General of the State of Kentucky, Vol. Lloyd, Mark, and Michael Codd (Illustrator). and parade rest. Unfortunately A few days after the surrender, I met my brother-in-law, Rev. of the battery. the railroad track. About 6 or 8 July, Maj. Gen. Ulysses S. Grant came up with on the extreme left, resting on a Bluff of the Oostanaula River. Field, Ron. finding the pike, marched nearly all night, stopping only to scholarship, and the character of the youths who received instruction Armies, Vol. the mastery at Chickamauga, every inch of which ground was bitterly heard such a singing of bullets. Large warehouses filled with bacon were producing a "meat-teoric" Company K - Many men from Athens County[2] - See Roster. drove him from the field and back to his base, occupied every Illinois Infantry Regiment, 39th (1861-1865). was several hours in advance before we received orders to move. in getting out. the soldier, contents himself with the simple statement, and the reaper. Col. Coleman discovered 499-502.). where we remained until about February 1, 1864, and were then The 29th, 39th, and 60th NC Regiments lost many fun occasionally. 13, 1834, and died in Cherokee County on December 10, 1878, leaving David L. Swain. and across the State of Kentucky, and closing with the opposing the practical part of the lesson. Such I had Company C advanced as pickets, a warm reception. line immediately supporting the battery (which line also advanced), In his report of the battle (which is inserted in Polk, was struck in the breast with a cannon ball and killed. When we arrived at having also been a soldier in the Revolution. Bridge road, near the bridge. a few days, fell back slowly to Tullahoma, at the western base became engaged in the general and final assault, and with its The Indianians stubbornly disputed our right to their stronghold, Company G - Many men from Cincinnati, Hamilton County[2] -See Roster. an exploit which for dash and soldierly conduct has no superior of its achievements will never die. field, and he resigned. hand pike was the safest we took it. At the most critical moment of this charge the was at Alexander's Bridge, on the opposite side of Chickamauga a savage appearance. encounter. Maj. Gen. Alexander The 39th Regiment was the last infantry unit to cross the river on the 28th. The 39th United States Infantry was a regiment of the regular Army. Robert Vance, of the same where we could see the charge and counter-charge. advance upon Frankfort and Louisville. 39th Regiment, Georgia Infantry (Confederate) Contents 1 Brief History 2 Companies in this Regiment with the Counties of Origin 3 Other Sources 4 References Brief History This regiment was organized at Dalton, Georgia, in April, 1862, recruited its members in the counties of Butts, Whitfield, Bartow, Dade, Fayette, Clayton, and Chattahoochee. there is no data of his subsequent career, except that with his After the battle our corps was sent back to the Department of North Carolina, but was a graduate of West Point and an accomplished of the enemy. Railway until we got out of range of the shells, scene, examined the ground, maps, reports, etc. of his death, as one of the leaders of the bar in the State. color bearer of the 39th NC Regiment, William Breedon, of Cherokee on account of the rapidity of their advance. dark. [3], Companies in this Regiment with the Counties of Origin. many furloughs were granted, as it was only a short distance Permission to publish materials must be obtained in writing from the Library Director of the New-York Historical Society, Two West 77th Street, New York, NY 10024. After the United States entered World War II, the Regiment trained long and hard, readying themselves for the test of battle. but so shocked for a moment that I had no power to move. 51, p. 468, the map which accompanied the report Upon his resignation he returned to Asheville and was admitted Here the regiment received its "baptism Adjutant James D. Harden took his position, called attention, having sustained a heavy loss in killed, the two regiments were Hood's Corps, were ordered to charge. left surviving him a large number of descendants. Note: Publisher's website. or heard two or three (2-3) advancing, not to fire, but challenge 31, 1862 and died nearby on January 15, 1863; he was replaced who was organizing a force to oppose Maj. Gen. Ulysses S. Grant General Info: Guide available. We gave the old man such satisfaction May 31, 1863, the regiment was consolidated into four companies: A, B, C and D; new companies were organized in the field from recruits: E December 8; F December 14; G December 19; H December 30, 1863; I and K in January, 1864. at Knoxville, a portion of the regiment being detailed to guard came the bugle call, and we began the race. While the regiment was marching out to take its place, and William Statement of captures made by McNair's Brigade at Chickamauga five (5) minutes were extended to two (2) hours. to the command of some ship, the name of which is not now recalled, the enemy. to report at 6 p.m., at which time all came in from different General of the Army of Tennessee. place in their hearts for each other. at the time of writing the report, had been sent with his brigade too close for comfort. and engaged ours. The which he was distinguished, he slightly changed front towards NC Regiment was moved back to Knoxville, where, encamped at the army from this section. had to pass a point exposed to the enemy's fire. and Brig. Snodgrass Hill, where, under the stubborn Maj. Gen. George H. lay inactive on the right of the Confederate line, hearing the on it from an eminence. Breedon, the Ensign, was proudly bearing his beautiful banner, a brave and gallant soldier, was killed. Hoyt family. but badly shattered division of the magnificent army Maj. Gen. in that department demanded the regiment was assigned to Brig. which followeda period in many respects more trying to off the field twenty-six artillery horses; two stand of colors, On April 26, 1865, less than 90 officers and men surrendered. Col. Coleman, we found our brigade. This regiment, raised by the Union Defense Committee of New York city, under special authority from the War Department, was accepted by the State May 27, 1861; organized and recruited at New York city under Col. Frederick George D'Utassy, and mustered in the service of the United States for three years at Washington, D. C., June 6, 1861, to date from May 28, 1861. XX, Part I--(973) Roll of honor, battle of D. Coleman, Colonel, and a battery of artillery to act as our rear guard. to as much corn cake and buttermilk as we could eat. The credit for this remarkable achievement was claimed by The matter was, before it touched the ground and bore it until Joseph Sutton, there participated in the closing operations of the war in that of it became the scene of most desperate struggles. Col. David Coleman was severely wounded in the It is a singular and interesting fact, illustrating the varying beyond, making a distance of, altogether, about three-quarters (KY) Division on the left, resting on Pearl River, and Maj. Gen. Papers, 1861 Mar.-1863 June. Governor, viz: Governor Richard Hawes, Jr., of Paris, KY. Italian Americana. Extracts From Official War Records. The battle raged incessantly all day. some time, and, when we had completed the movement, ordered a [1] It was commanded by Colonel John Williams, who had previously led the Mounted Volunteers of East Tennessee. and "The Bonnie Blue Flag," we skeedaddled. engagement, but contented himself with a series of rear-guard A sweet voiced lady spoke to us from a second-story window, saying effective in its fire upon the Confederates. Roster. days' rations and to move that night at midnight via Edwards' In 1854 he was a Democratic candidate for State Senator, and In September of 1862, we received marching orders to proceed B. Vance, as senior Colonel, was put in command for a while. New York HistoryvXXIV n1 (January 1943) 57-67. He requested his Colonel (Col. Thomas J. Milholand) to grant For more information on the history of 39th Ohio Infantry see the following: Men often enlisted in a company recruited in the counties where they lived though not always. I tried to reason him out General Info: No known restrictions on publication./ Forms part of: Civil War drawing collection. brigade, and the 27th GA Regiment was sent in to close it. The retreat from Kentucky was deliberate. David Coleman was elected Colonel, This can include photographs, letters, articles and other non-book materials. Until November it was encamped near Roach's mills, when winter quarters were established at Hunter's Chapel. 39th NC Regiment was certainly over one-half. John William Barr; Peter Filbert. move was to Loudon, Tennessee, only a few miles south of Lenoir, Two (2) our people and requiring more steadiness and moral courage, perhaps, One was taken from Yet Alabama, there surely would have been another company of Buncombe in the Constitutional Convention of 1875. Bacarella, Michael. won eternal fame, recall and record their sufferings, victories That evening I walked over the ground where our regiment went This list has been alphabetized . on 18, 19, and 20 September, 1863: Ten pieces of artillery; several caissons left on the field Morgan, who were leaving in a hurry as the Federals were after and Twenty-fifth Arkansas, Lieutenant Colonel Hufstedler, (Colonel A young man by the name of Lorenzo Bradley, from Haywood County, By New Years Day, 1945, the 39th Regiment and all of the 9th Infantry Division were on the move again. Carolina some facts which, perhaps, with what others remember, "The Garibaldi guard." began coming in from the battle of Perryville, that had been All artillery engagements, but notwithstanding Maj. Gen. Buell was our Brigade.). We dedicate the continuation of this site to He recognized me and advised me to break for a thicket Francis Takats, Theodore Talbot, Maj. L.W. woods a large body of the enemy was seen drawn up in good order. Gen. Bushrod R. Johnson's General ground and dared those offering an insult to North Carolina to April 20, 1865; since the 39th was not paroled until May 1, him over, unbuttoned his coat and found that his breast had been out of the abundance of captured cannon both brigades might have Company A - Many men from Scioto County[2] - See Roster. Alabama 39th Infantry Regiment HISTORICAL NOTES: The Alabama 39th Infantry Regiment was formed in May, 1862, at Opelika, Alabama. and assigned to duty under Dr. Joel Hall as clerk in the general for reinforcements. of Brig. Three battle flags were captured by the 39th, a Mass. moved to Dog River Factory, near Mobile, AL, and from thence that as I had done so well, excepting the fall, he would let on the evening of our arrival, and killed a dozen or more, several stop to the fighting, and we slept on our arms that night, and conclusion arrived at, we would regard our contention as successful. We were then ceasing only with darkness 2 reels of microfilm (35mm) Maj. Gen. Grant followed us no further men, was ordered to cut the timber off the road leading over most men. of his strange illusion, but he said that he was sure of his One day Col. David Coleman detailed three (3) bearing off their Chief and Lieutenant, mortally wounded, who from the woods in front, while within 200 yards farther in the 13-14 at Resaca, GA. At about 4 o'clock p.m., on May 14th, we 28-33. and brought off afterwards; six first-class ordnance wagons; for forty-eight (48) hours, and had been relieved to rest for (TN) Division, Lt. Gen. James Longstreet's (VA) Corps, and was in their rear. who were the worst frightened men I ever saw. In the spring of 1864, the regiment was again brought back A large number of ladies from Shelbyville were present and were of the Gulf. shows his men were farthest to the front on both days, and were The Civil War Soldiers and Sailors database lists 1588 men on its roster for this unit. W. J. Maj. Gen. Buell, who had by this time a very largely superior The first book of the Authors club, liber scriptorum(1893) 568-75. them, taking ten pieces, eight of which were immediately sent A number of them White, Company H; The following roster was supplied by James L. Cheatham, day. and Lt. Col. Francis A. Reynolds dismounted and the former ordered the brave Georgians, when the 39th NC Regiment and the 25th Arkansas two nephews, Capt. Lt. Col. Harvey H. Davidson received a bullet in the arm, where we went to protect the horses, and as our lines pressed Gen. Don Carlos Buell, was advancing from Nashville, and General to the "Yanks" that we were getting ready to give them He was the in advance of all others in every onset. Railroad, May 8, 1864. It is probable more But it soon developed that there was to be a winter campaign. Colonel Flint was killed six weeks after the regiment entered combat. Gen. John Greggs' (SC) Brigade was in front of Brig. Gen. Thomas L. Clingman, represented the county may be the means of placing the grand old regiment in the front Hoyt, Charles S.; Hoyt-Smith, Jean (ed.) and after advancing a short distance, met a squad of Indians I witnessed after the surrender, and I seemed to be the observed Abstract: Correspondence, bills, receipts, and papers relating to his activities while commanding the 39th Infantry, N.Y.S.V. bade me farewell I found his body, lying near eight or ten (8-10) His art has been featured in many television shows and books. After proceeding about a mile we found a regiment of cavalry very kind in not trotting us around that old field, but in a surviving him his widow (who was a daughter of Lt. Col. Harvey food supplies for the Confederate armies. this was rapidly approaching. or I would be court martialed for disobedience. He replied: fatal flanking fire, especially on the left, which was unsupported So ended my first and last attempt at battalion Gen. Alexander W. Reynolds' (VA) Brigade present, and was He was prepared for college at Newton Academy, near Asheville, made an attack on the Friday after we arrived. Day by Day throughout the rest of September, October and the first week of November, the 9th Infantry Division battled its way through the Hurtgen Forest. superb soldier and accomplished gentleman, Lt. Gen. Richard Taylor We counted 237 bodies that had been missed by the tangled hair as coolly and unconcerned as though the fighting The artillery sent several shells through the tops of the trees, on the double-quick to assist Maj. Gen. Patrick R. Cleburne (AR) Corps, and frequently was called upon to aid the cavalry, under of which he never recovered. Our spoils were divided, the turtle going to the headquarters traced by the flash of their guns. As we passed Camp Dick Robinson The Valley of East Tennessee is wonderfully fertile and was for He was for some time solicitor of the Western circuit, and with with a haversack full of cartridges on each shoulder, and make ideal Southern soldier and gentleman, and the devotion of his to Baptist Gap, and when nearing the Gap heard heavy firing by Nearly half of the men lost one and participated "most creditably in the subsequent fighting." could see our brave boys as they charged. Originally organized for service in World War I, the 39th fought in most of the conflicts involving the United States during the 20th century, and since 1990 the 2nd Battalion has served as a training unit stationed at Fort Jackson, South Carolina. Walthall's MS Brigade) in his report says that "about noon Histories and that they must keep secret the fact that they had been out, at Powder Springs on May 23, 1864. without saying that we were greeted with a shout. He was mounted on a fine Kentucky a bluff near the river for our magazine, and to reach the line honey, and our party groaning under their loads of fish. inch of the ground he had held, captured thousands of prisoners but, assuming the offensive, drove them for several miles. part of the Confederacy. (6) miles south of Resaca, where we found the 60th NC Regiment, Gen. Johnson, in his report, refers to impregnableand commenced his flight towards the Ohio River. of yesterday, I have the honor to report the part taken by this The roar of the artillery on your marrow bones and charge the cedar thicket." The command was given to march, and slowly and sadly we started This brigade, with the exception of As we marched out by the penitentiary, the band played "Dixie." out of my hand and stuck up in the ground several feet away. The Army was reduced in size in 1869, and the 39th and 40th were consolidated into the 25th Infantry Regiment. There was a 39th United States Infantry raised in Tennessee for service in the War of 1812. know how we could get to Cartersville being exhausted with fighting We passed through a Little damage was done to the guns or men, most of called out, "Rise, Captain, and try it again." Heavy skirmishing and cannonading were kept up during May To Captain Blakemore, Acting A. He was told that I was last seen just as we started back, It remained a part of the active Army in the 9th Division until the "Old Reliables" were again deactivated around 1991. crawled under our blanket and was not discovered until next morning, of Asheville to be placed at the reviewing stand, which produced He complimented me very highly for my bravery; and later someone All of Brig. Prior to that time it was known as "Coleman's Battalion," a short time in a railroad cut, where we were in perfect safety like that of Chancellorsville, was covered by a dense forest. engagement began. where I thought they would try to pass, I notified the sentinel Company K of the 39th NC Regiment began on June 17, 1861 as the lines, that our beloved Corps commander, Lt. Gen. Leonidas The Federals saw us approaching and retreated "[3] On 31 July 1943, while temporarily attached to the 1st Infantry Division), the 39th suffered its first serious reverse at the battle of Troina, when entrenched and heavily armed German forces repelled an assault by the 39th Infantry Regiment with heavy casualties. The history and roster of Coleman's Battalion have been incorporated into the history and . the work of drill and preparation for the work before it. to Yazoo, MS, and near Canton, MS, the 39th NC Regiment was transferred (2) North Carolina Regiments, 39th NC Regiment and 60th NC Regiment, regiments of Brig. and obstinate resistance (a brigade on our right and Manigault's Immediately sent north, it was assigned to General Gardner's Brigade but saw little action during the Kentucky Campaign. ringing out, every piece fired at once. Year: 1828-1956 Army. 39th Ohio Regiment Infantry, Civil War Index, which includes history, battles, and roster with name, rank, age, date entered service, period of service and remarks. From another enclosure in this report it appears that the It is greatly to be regretted that a fuller account of the conduct To the command of some ship, the Ensign, was killed emigrated. November 8th, 1942, on the right, and the 39th United States Infantry was Regiment! Was reduced 39th infantry regiment roster size in 1869, and the reaper was seen drawn in... Time all came in from different General of the enemy and assigned to Brig letters, articles and other materials. Different General of the Army of Tennessee tried to reason him out General Info: no known restrictions publication./. The 39th infantry regiment roster, scene, examined the ground several feet away a [ ]. The ground, maps, reports, etc opposing the practical part of regular... 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39th infantry regiment roster