He was known for his qualities as a statesman, his military experience, and leadership ability. [133] Stephen returned to London but received news that Ranulf, his brother and their family were relaxing in Lincoln Castle with a minimal guard force, a ripe target for a surprise attack of his own. [91] The town of Bristol itself proved too strong for him, and Stephen contented himself with raiding and pillaging the surrounding area. Following their 127-118 victory on the road against the Washington Wizards on Monday afternoon, Golden State Warriors head coach Steve Kerr compared Stephen Curry to Michael Jordan. Writing Medieval Biography, 7501250: Essays in Honour of Professor Frank Barlow. Watch Now. Stephen Hawking, in full Stephen William Hawking, (born January 8, 1942, Oxford, Oxfordshire, Englanddied March 14, 2018, Cambridge, Cambridgeshire), English theoretical physicist whose theory of exploding black holes drew upon both relativity theory and quantum mechanics. War and society in medieval and early modern Britain. The royal administration under Henry I had been headed by Roger, the Bishop of Salisbury, supported by Roger's nephews, Alexander and Nigel, the Bishops of Lincoln and Ely respectively, and Roger's son, Lord Chancellor Roger le Poer. 1 SEASON. Modern historians, such as Edmund King, doubt that Hugh Bigod was being truthful in his account. [215], Fighting continued after Wallingford, but in a rather half-hearted fashion. [208] Stephen's castle at Malmesbury was besieged by Henry's forces, and the King responded by marching west with an army to relieve it. [222] After a busy summer in 1154, however, Stephen travelled to Dover to meet Thierry, Count of Flanders; some historians believe that the King was already ill and preparing to settle his family affairs. [22] Stephen had intended to sail on the same ship but changed his mind at the last moment and got off to await another vessel, either out of concern for overcrowding on board the ship, or because he was suffering from diarrhoea. Neither mission was particularly successful, and by the end of 1137 the King appears to have abandoned attempts to put down the rebellion. As he stepped into a congressional elevator, Santos told reporters he would not resign unless 142 people told him to quit. David Crouch argues that in fact it was the royalist weakness in infantry that caused their failure at Lincoln, proposing the city militia was not as capable as Robert's Welsh infantry. From stephanos. WebStephen Hawking. [113] As the papal legate, he summoned the King to appear before an ecclesiastical council to answer for the arrests and seizure of property. S tephen as a boys' name is pronounced STEE-ven, STEF-en. WebWhat does Stephen mean? [29] At the same time, tensions continued to grow as a result of Henry's domestic policies, in particular the high level of revenue he was raising to pay for his various wars. His friend and advisor Waleran was one of those who decided to defect in mid-1141, crossing into Normandy to secure his ancestral possessions by allying himself with the Angevins, and bringing Worcestershire into the Empress's camp. [70] The Easter court was a lavish event, and a large amount of money was spent on the event itself, clothes and gifts. David of Scotland also invaded the north of England once again, announcing that he was supporting the claim of his niece the Empress Matilda to the throne, pushing south into Yorkshire. [77], The security of Normandy was also a concern. The Feudal Kingdom of England, 10421216. [90] An illegitimate son of Henry I and the half-brother of the Empress Matilda, Robert was one of the most powerful Anglo-Norman barons, controlling estates in Normandy. [239] William Stubbs focused on these constitutional aspects of Stephen's reign in his 1874 volume the Constitutional History of England, beginning an enduring interest in Stephen and his reign. [24] Despite the King taking a second wife, Adeliza of Louvain, it became increasingly unlikely that he would have another legitimate son, and he instead looked to Matilda as his intended heir. Stephen Colbert spotted a weird moment involving Rep. George Santos (R-N.Y.), the newly elected Long Island House member caught in so many lies that his local GOP leaders are calling on him to resign. [95] The cost of warfare had risen considerably in the first part of the 12th century, and adequate supplies of ready cash were increasingly proving important in the success of campaigns. Historian Keith Stringer argues that Theobald was also probably thinking about an eventual peace treaty in England involving Henry FitzEmpress, and that he may have seen the coronation of Eustace only as a guarantee of further civil war after Stephen's death. Stephen became increasingly concerned with ensuring that his son Eustace would inherit his throne. 50m. [51] There was the slight problem of the religious oath that Stephen had taken to support the Empress Matilda, but Henry convincingly argued that the late King had been wrong to insist that his court take the oath. [180] Stephen's overall income from his estates, however, declined seriously during the conflict, particularly after 1141, and royal control over the minting of new coins remained limited outside of the south-east and East Anglia. The King tried to convince the Church to agree to crown Eustace to reinforce his claim; Pope Eugene III refused, and Stephen found himself in a sequence of increasingly bitter arguments with his senior clergy. [185] The Second Crusade was announced, and many Angevin supporters, including Waleran of Beaumont, joined it, leaving the region for several years. Together with his close advisor, Waleran de Beaumont, Stephen took firm steps to defend his rule, including arresting a powerful family of bishops. WebStephen Announces New Book on Podcast. The spelling as 280283; Bradbury pp. Historians, Economists, and Economic History. Helmerichs, p. 137; Carpenter, pp. [91] The rebels appear to have expected Robert to intervene with support that year, but he remained in Normandy throughout, trying to persuade the Empress Matilda to invade England herself. [73] Pope Innocent II confirmed Stephen as king by letter later that year, and Stephen's advisers circulated copies widely around England to demonstrate his legitimacy. Gibney previously appeared in the Bill Hodges trilogy (Mr. Mercedes, Finders Keepers, End of Watch),The Outsider, and If It Bleeds. [nb 20] The contemporary Anglo-Saxon Chronicle recorded how "there was nothing but disturbance and wickedness and robbery". [200] Bernard then convinced Pope Eugene III to overturn Henry's decision altogether in 1147, deposing William, and appointing Henry Murdac as archbishop instead. The character was portrayed by Justine Lupe in the Audience show Mr. Mercedes and by Cynthia Erivo in the HBO series The Outsider. His reign was marked by the Anarchy, a civil war with his cousin and rival, the Empress Matilda, whose son, Henry II, succeeded Stephen as the first of the Angevin kings of England. After the Welsh victory at the battle of Llwchwr in January 1136 and the successful ambush of Richard Fitz Gilbert de Clare in April, south Wales rose in rebellion, starting in east Glamorgan and rapidly spreading across the rest of south Wales during 1137. Helmerichs, pp. Stephen, also spelled Steven, is a strong and likable classic, with the he's-a-great-guy short form Steve. [66], Returning south, Stephen held his first royal court at Easter 1136. WebAbout Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features [3] Stephen's mother, Adela, was the daughter of William the Conqueror and Matilda of Flanders, famous amongst her contemporaries for her piety, wealth and political talent. Other supporters of the Empress were restored in their former strongholds, such as Bishop Nigel of Ely, or received new earldoms in the west of England. [171] By this point, however, Stephen's practice of inviting barons to court and arresting them had brought him into some disrepute and increasing distrust. The story of Saint Stephen's ordination as a deacon is found in the sixth chapter of the Acts of the Apostles, which also recounts the plot against Stephen and the beginning of the trial that resulted in his martyrdom; the seventh chapter [189] The Angevin plan involved Ranulf agreeing to give up his claim to Carlisle, held by the Scots, in return for being given the rights to the whole of the Honour of Lancaster; Ranulf would give homage to both David and Henry FitzEmpress, with Henry having seniority. [128] Stephen responded quickly, taking an army into the fens and using boats lashed together to form a causeway that allowed him to make a surprise attack on the isle. The early years of Stephen's reign were largely successful, despite a series of attacks on his possessions in England and Normandy by David I of Scotland, Welsh rebels, and the Empress Matilda's husband Geoffrey Plantagenet, Count of Anjou. King (2010), p. 9; Crouch (2002), p. 241. In 1138, the Empress's half-brother Robert of Gloucester rebelled against Stephen, threatening civil war. Geoffrey of Anjou invaded in early 1136 and, after a temporary truce, invaded later the same year, raiding and burning estates rather than trying to hold the territory. [164] Stephen valued William's loyalty sufficiently to agree to exchange Sherborne Castle for his safe releasethis was one of the few instances where Stephen was prepared to give up a castle to ransom one of his men. Matilda and Geoffrey suspected that they lacked genuine support in England, and proposed to Henry in 1135 that the King should hand over the royal castles in Normandy to Matilda whilst he was still alive and insist on the Norman nobility swearing immediate allegiance to her, thereby giving the couple a much more powerful position after Henry's death. [93] In France, Geoffrey of Anjou took advantage of the situation by re-invading Normandy. [233] The Anglo-Saxon Chronicle was past its prime by the time of Stephen but is remembered for its striking account of conditions during "the Anarchy". R. Davis and W. L. Warren argue that the typical earldom involved the delegation of considerable royal powers; Keith Stringer and Judith Green capture the current consensus that the degree of delegated powers followed the degree of threat, and that perhaps less powers in total were delegated than once thought. [248] Peters' depiction of Stephen's reign is an essentially local narrative, focused on the town of Shrewsbury and its environs. [226], After Stephen's death, Henry II succeeded to the throne of England. 94, 115; Barlow, p. 162. [46], Theobald met with the Norman barons and Robert of Gloucester at Lisieux on 21 December. [113] Stephen sent Aubrey de Vere II as his spokesman to the council, who argued that Roger of Salisbury had been arrested not as a bishop, but rather in his role as a baron who had been preparing to change his support to the Empress Matilda. [217] The armies of Stephen and Henry FitzEmpress met again at Winchester, where the two leaders would ratify the terms of a permanent peace in November. [11], Stephen's early life was heavily influenced by his relationship with his uncle Henry I. Henry seized power in England following the death of his elder brother William Rufus. [133], While Stephen and his army besieged Lincoln Castle at the start of 1141, Robert of Gloucester and Ranulf of Chester advanced on the King's position with a somewhat larger force. Struggle for Mastery: The Penguin History of Britain 10661284. He gained the throne by usurpation but failed to consolidate his power during the ensuing civil strife. But an appearance on The Late Show with Stephen Colbert on CBS represented more of a gamble. [198] Stephen's dispute with the church had its origins in 1140, when Archbishop Thurstan of York died. Posted: March 2nd, 2022 7:29:15 pm EST. [19] Stephen and his older brother Theobald were comprehensively beaten in the subsequent campaign, which culminated in the Battle of Alenon, and the territories were not recovered. Stephen, also called Stephen Of Blois, (born c. 1097died Oct. 25, 1154, Dover, Kent, Eng. [135] Robert and Ranulf's forces had superiority in cavalry and Stephen dismounted many of his own knights to form a solid infantry block; he joined them himself, fighting on foot in the battle. [184], The character of the conflict in England gradually began to shift; as historian Frank Barlow suggests, by the late 1140s "the civil war was over", barring the occasional outbreak of fighting. [246] Historian Keith Stringer provides a more positive portrayal of Stephen, arguing that his ultimate failure as king was the result of external pressures on the Norman state, rather than the result of personal failings. Stephen was born in the County of Blois in central France as the fourth son of Stephen-Henry, Count of Blois, and Adela, daughter of William the Conqueror. Carpenter, pp. (1990) "The End of Stephen's Reign,", Yoshitake, Kenji. The Detective as Historian: History and Art in Historical Crime. [203], Nonetheless, the pressure on Stephen to get Eustace confirmed as his legitimate heir continued to grow. [7] [17] [18] Between 1979 and 2009, he was the Lucasian Professor of Mathematics at the University of Cambridge, widely viewed as one of the [198] The reforming movement within the church, which advocated greater autonomy from royal authority for the clergy, had continued to grow, while new voices such as the Cistercians had gained additional prestige within the monastic orders, eclipsing older orders such as the Cluniacs. Prince Harry continued his publicity blitz on Tuesday, January 10th, with a good-natured pre-taped appearance on The Late Show with Stephen Colbert! WebStephen Colletti (born February 7, 1986) is an American actor and television personality. [196] In 1148, Stephen built the Cluniac Faversham Abbey as a resting place for his family. [25] It was also traditional for the King of France to crown his successor whilst he himself was still alive, making the intended line of succession relatively clear, but this was not the case in England. [25] In the middle of this confrontation, Henry unexpectedly fell ill and died near Lyons-la-Fort. Stephen Hawking, in full Stephen William Hawking, (born January 8, 1942, Oxford, Oxfordshire, Englanddied March 14, 2018, Cambridge, Cambridgeshire), English theoretical physicist whose theory of exploding black holes drew upon both relativity theory and quantum mechanics. [46] Stephen, however, was in Boulogne, and when news reached him of Henry's death he left for England, accompanied by his military household. These armies, however, were ill-suited to besieging castles, whether the older motte-and-bailey designs or the newer, stone-built keeps. In other parts of Europe, including Normandy and England, the tradition was for lands to be divided up, with the eldest son taking patrimonial landsusually considered to be the most valuableand younger sons being given smaller, or more recently acquired, partitions or estates. It is particularly significant to Christians, as it belonged to Saint Stephen, an early disciple and deacon who, according to the Book of Acts, was stoned to death; he is widely regarded as the first martyr of the Christian Church. [49] Henry of Blois delivered the support of the church to Stephen: Stephen was able to advance to Winchester, where Roger, Bishop of Salisbury and Lord Chancellor, instructed the royal treasury to be handed over to Stephen. [13], Henry responded by forming a network of alliances with the western counties of France against Louis, resulting in a regional conflict that would last throughout Stephen's early life. David Carpenter and R. Davis, however, observe that Stephen had ended up breaking his promises to the Church, was forced to appear before a church court, and damaged his relationship with Henry of Blois, which would have grave implications in 1141. He was Count of Boulogne jure uxoris from 1125 until 1147 and Duke of Normandy from 1135 until 1144. Carpenter, p. 173; Davis, p. 68; Crouch (2008b), p. 47. ), king of England from 1135 to 1154. [7], The rulers across this region spoke a similar language, albeit with regional dialects, followed the same religion, and were closely interrelated; they were also highly competitive and frequently in conflict with one another for valuable territory and the castles that controlled them. WebWhat does Stephen mean? With some distressing scenes Turn on Parental controls. [111] The remaining castles were then surrendered to the King. The royal charter of 1136 had promised to review the ownership of all the lands that had been taken by the crown from the church since 1087, but these estates were now typically owned by nobles. [65] Stephen responded by sending Richard's brother Baldwin and the Marcher Lord Robert Fitz Harold of Ewyas into Wales to pacify the region. WebStephen or Steven is a common English first name. Watch Now. [119], Stephen then agreed to a truce proposed by his brother, Henry; the full details of the truce are not known, but the results were that Stephen first released Matilda from the siege and then allowed her and her household of knights to be escorted to the south-west, where they were reunited with Robert of Gloucester. [6] In the west lay the three counties of Maine, Anjou and Touraine, and to the north of Blois was the Duchy of Normandy, from which William the Conqueror had conquered England in 1066. [121][nb 17], Having released the Empress, Stephen focused on pacifying the south-west of England. Stephen William Hawking CH CBE FRS FRSA (8 January 1942 14 March 2018) was an English theoretical physicist, cosmologist, and author who, at the time of his death, was director of research at the Centre for Theoretical Cosmology at the University of Cambridge. Stephen King is returning to the character of Holly Gibney in a new novel titled Holly. [83] The Norman forces then deserted Stephen, forcing the King to give up his campaign. [38], Rumours about his father's cowardice during the First Crusade, however, continued to circulate, and a desire to avoid the same reputation may have influenced some of Stephen's rasher military actions. The name, in both the forms Stephen and Steven, is often shortened to Steve or Stevie. [42] Henry of Winchester was keen to reverse what he perceived as encroachment by the Norman kings on the rights of the church. [167] The King had disliked the Earl for several years, and provoked the conflict by summoning Geoffrey to court, where the King arrested him. [34] Henry angrily declined to do so, probably out of a concern that Geoffrey would try to seize power in Normandy somewhat earlier than intended. He also worked with space-time singularities. [165] On this occasion, however, William Martel, Stephen's steward, made a fierce rear guard effort, allowing Stephen to escape from the battlefield. Aubrey threatened that Stephen would complain to the pope that he was being harassed by the English church, and the council let the matter rest following an unsuccessful appeal to Rome. [142] Stephen's brother Henry summoned a council at Winchester before Easter in his capacity as papal legate to consider the clergy's view. 65, 6971; Carpenter, p. 124. [154], The King's eventual release resulted from the Angevin defeat at the rout of Winchester. [52] Henry was also able to persuade Hugh Bigod, the late King's royal steward, to swear that the King had changed his mind about the succession on his deathbed, nominating Stephen instead. From *steg- (to enlace) + - (-nos, suffix forming an adjective or noun) from Proto-Indo-European *-ns (suffix forming a verbal adjective from a verb stem) . [179] Certainly in many parts of the country, such as Wiltshire, Berkshire, the Thames Valley and East Anglia, the fighting and raiding had caused serious devastation. [1][nb 1] His father was Stephen-Henry, Count of Blois and Chartres, an important French nobleman, and an active crusader, who played only a brief part in Stephen's early life. [58][nb 8], Stephen's new Anglo-Norman kingdom had been shaped by the Norman conquest of England in 1066, followed by the Norman expansion into south Wales over the coming years. [52], Furthermore, the late King had only insisted on that oath to protect the stability of the kingdom, and in light of the chaos that might now ensue, Stephen would be justified in ignoring it. Stephen Colbert spotted a weird moment involving Rep. George Santos (R-N.Y.), the newly elected Long Island House member caught in so many lies that his local GOP leaders are calling on him to resign. [229] Stephen probably had three illegitimate sons, Gervase, Abbot of Westminster, Ralph and Americ, by his mistress Damette; Gervase became abbot in 1138, but after his father's death he was removed by Henry in 1157 and died shortly afterwards. They hadnt seen each other since Stephen moved out of the neighborhood two years before, and as they catch up Teichner laments the recent [81] Stephen was less successful, however, in regaining the Argentan province along the Normandy and Anjou border, which Geoffrey had taken at the end of 1135. [118] Stephen promptly moved south, besieging Arundel and trapping Matilda inside the castle. [66] An agreement was made under which David would return most of the territory he had taken, with the exception of Carlisle. [206] Stephen then made a fresh attempt to have Eustace crowned at Easter 1152, gathering his nobles to swear fealty to Eustace, and then insisting that Theobald and his bishops anoint him king. [8], Stephen had at least four brothers and one sister, along with two probable half-sisters. 171172; Crouch (2008a), p. 29. In 1153, the Empress's son Henry invaded England and built an alliance of powerful regional barons to support his claim for the throne. [125] He then left behind some forces to blockade the castle and continued west into Wiltshire to attack Trowbridge Castle, taking the castles of South Cerney and Malmesbury en route. Common until the late 18th century. [209] He unsuccessfully attempted to force Henry's smaller army to fight a decisive battle along the river Avon. [114][nb 15], The Angevin invasion finally arrived in 1139. [240] Stubbs' analysis, focusing on the disorder of the period, influenced his student John Round to coin the term "the Anarchy" to describe the period, a label that, whilst sometimes critiqued, continues to be used today. [232] In Normandy, Orderic Vitalis wrote his Ecclesiastical History, covering Stephen's reign until 1141, and Robert of Torigni wrote a later history of the rest of the period. [90], Stephen was attacked on several fronts during 1138. [240], Stephen remains a popular subject for historical study: David Crouch suggests that after King John he is "arguably the most written-about medieval king of England". Queen Matilda gathered Stephen's remaining lieutenants around her and the royal family in the south-east, advancing into London when the population rejected the Empress. Though not as well-used or fashionable as it was in its heyday -- it was a Top 25 name from 1946 to 1957 -- it's still a widely used name. WebThe name Stephen is boy's name of Greek origin meaning "garland, crown". One of the first seven deacons of the Christian Church, Saint Stephen is also the first Christian to be martyred for the Faith (hence the title, often applied to him, of protomartyr that is, "first martyr"). Huscroft, pp. Stephen was born in Blois, France, in either 1092 or 1096. He also worked with space-time singularities. [204] Stephen's preferred option was to have Eustace crowned while he himself was still alive, as was the custom in France, but this was not the normal practice in England, and Celestine II, during his brief tenure as pope between 1143 and 1144, had banned any change to this practice. On Stephen to get Eustace confirmed as his legitimate heir continued to grow concern!, King of England 1990 ) `` the end of 1137 the King legitimate... 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