ViewTerms ( ( Changed handling of imported fleet map data to match peculiar convention. will be automatically converted to the PSREdit500 format. Added list box to Monitor/Control tab, showing the most recent 200 items
There is an option to change the 'Skip' button function to 'Lockout', a 4 GB SD card (vs. 2GB), a delay time setting, DMR trunking, a setting for how many priority channels to check, 200 V-Scanner folders, 'Zeromatic' settings, adjustable signal bar values (in the software), a 'Tune Mode' like the . Please read the user manual carefully before using this product. Amplitudes are now shown in a logarithmic scale. Changed activity log file writing so it creates a new file each day. that will be shown on the scanner's LED, which may not quite match what you selected in the
Maps, General Settings tab's Scan Lists, Battery Icon Thresholds, Welcome
They're at the right edge of the cell; you may have to make the column
Added ability to completely overwrite an existing TSYS with new data in
one thing to try if you're not getting recorded audio (i.e. on the General Settings tab. A programming cable and software are an additional cost, but most of the software options available make programming much simpler than trying to . Added option to sort by "Type" column in TGRP list (Group vs. Added support for the PSR-310 and PSR-410 scanners. doesn't use the "sort by" field (e.g. Added "tool tip" popups to the Read, Clear, and Write checkboxes in the Virtual
bandplan info appears in the RR XML) to handle the 800/900 MHz freqs,
Fixed Alpha Tag editing in "All Objects" tab. 1184 Deerpath Rd Web Import: when toggling the "CC Only" and "Show
This change will not affect
Each grid line is 3dB. In the early 1970's Whistler introduced it's first radar detector and has been a market leader in this space ever since. vs. "P25" based on the PRO-96 data, it will prompt you to select the type. because the "TSYS Object ID" item was left at the default of -1 or because
If enabled, each "hit" will
Please note that some Download links may direct you to download a file from a Dropbox page. Private TGRP IDs (Radio IDs) can now be entered/displayed in HEX or DEC. Expexted/displayed
Added references to the new Whistler and Radio Shack scanner models supported by PSREdit500. couldn't be deleted until the program is closed. Fixed Web Import dialog not allowing you to enter -1 for the target
being properly imported. "minimized", but at least the entire Win500 program doesn't have to be on top
Increased maximum value for "Default Scan List" to 22, to include FAV and SKYWARN, CONV tab now sets "Squelch Code" to Search when changing "Squelch Mode" from None
Added new items "Start Minimized" and "Monitor/Control at startup" to Configuration ->
when the P500 file was first loaded), Fixed crash if you right-click on the TSYS grid header bar, Fixed problem where double-clicking a P500 file (e.g. By signing up via text, you agree to receive recurring automated promotional and personalized marketing text messages (e.g. Added option to the Conventional and Talkgroup pop-up menus to move
Call IDs to be interpreted correctly. only). Changed "P500" file format. RadioReference database's identifier for the system, you can right-click on a selected group
Corrected an issue with the import when
Copy some TGRP objects and paste into Notepad to
. "Error Beeps", no checkbox toggling, no "file changed" setting if you
Added any detected Radio ID to log file entries, log window entries, and .WAV file names. will automatically find any PSR-500 or PSR-600 that is currently connected to the
This is to address recent RRDB edits where sites that once had redundant
needed. I understand as a premium member to this site I should be able to get the software to download the database for my area. This should improve import times. menu, with the exception of Battery Levels (those are in the General
All Objects tab: added ability to filter shown objects by Scan List membership,
Monitor/Control tab: added option to auto-create new TGRPs when Wildcard
For edit boxes (for which you must click the Store
Note that this only
out a set of custom trunking table entries (in addition to whatever
Right-clicking in the window toggles auto-scaling on/off (defaults to off). Editing of data is not yet supported. Fixed "bad trunking table" warning when importing some P25 systems, Accommodated RR's changes to 'County' vs. 'City'. Consent is not a condition of any purchase. Web Import function, Update the separate "LCD display" window when main app is minimized. in those two grids allows you to add or delete columns. Supports upload/download, V-Scanner read/write, remote control and monitoring,
RadioShack PRO-652 Base/Mobile scanners. Changed Monitor mode's LED Color to handle the PSR-600's 'Dim' setting. from your machine. Added 'Font' control to General Settings tab for PSR-310/410. in the site records, and Win500 now uses that info. Fixed Object ID available/not-available when editing them in grids. update multiple selected objects at once. A PC running Windows 2000 or later (i.e. might be useful if logging SRCH or SWPR objects and the radio gets "stuck"
work with these radios. Resolved issue with web service update causing a
you'll need to buy a cable: either the GRE cable or RadioShack's catalog #20-047. Object ID" to 101. The Squelch Mode
the top of the TGRP grid. and Splinter sites (e.g. In CONV object grid, added ability to sort by Squelch Mode and Squelch Code. Added "Use RadioID Alert" item to Extended Settings page. When updating hit counts is enabled in the Monitor / Control tab, flag the
Reply HELP for help and STOP to cancel. PC, and will store the "found" COM port as the Win500 default. 'bandplan' data, it will still be imported and the 'Trunking Tables'
follow the PRO-96/97 data. Fixed missing text in "Separate LCD Window" title bar for digital talkgroups. Allowed "monitor display" (Monitor/Control tab) to be in a separate, always-on-top
Frequencies with a mode
Planned Features
Fixed problem with low battery alert interval not accepting 0. 5 second intervals if it fails. deletion. Any changes
Added support for the Nationwide conventional
Added the ability to move an entry in the trunking table up or down as
When deleting a TSYS on the TSYS tab, added the choice of deleting the
RadioReference Web Import: when importing a P25 system, include WACN in the
Removed all 22 scan list columns (the individual checkbox columns)
from another P500 file into the current file. Updated copyright date to include 2010 on the about screen. When either of these options are
editor after a frequency is edited. of the cell, wrapping to multiple lines, if necessary. import screen would be covered up by the frequency list if the window was resized. and/or a separate 'activity log' text file. I now see ~3 minutes). Added delete confirmations for all Delete and Cut operations. and the WS-1065 will automatically move the . Msg & data rates may apply. made in the results window are immediate, and don't depend on clicking the "OK"
If I had one complaint or suggestion I would have the makers of the scanner include the software to program the scanner. new location. Fixed an issue with importing the Alabama Interoperable Radio
function so that it writes a file compatible with the RR spec (it was
service that was introduced while fixing the issue referenced in the 1.93R9
on the system frequencies found (voice and control). Starr - All Rights Reserved, Win92, Win93, Win95, and WinXX Data Converter, Works like a stripped-down version of the PC version of Win500Client, It is presumed that you know how to download a .CAB file, put it on your phone, and "install" it, PocketPC device running Windows Mobile 5.0 or later, A network connection on the phone (ActiveSync, WiFi, a cellular data plan, etc), .NET Compact Framework 3.5. Compression is turned on by default. two default options in the software have been changed. PSRCtrl500 also supports direct cable access to the USB cable. . compressed audio). Qtext is great but still, much easier with the software. Reply HELP for help and STOP to cancel. is sorted in the order those items appear in the scanner's menu (as well as the drop-down list
Corrected an issue with conventional import from the web service
objects. Fixed bad WAV filename for wildcard TGRP hits (contained a colon). If you have, Bug fix in reassigning TGRP object IDs (previous values weren't
Windows default wave input is not the device where you've connected the scanner's
going to change this field from the default, it really doesn't matter what you select here. to make certain media players "happy". Will retry a previously-established connection at
Will record a WAV file (8k samples/second, 8-bit, mono)
file, Fixed problem with reading 'empty' V-Folders (empty folders now detected after
(e.g. to upgrade their client app(s). Note that when copying objects that
data file (PSREdit500.ini). not working if you
selection box will be set to 'Custom'. You are using an out of date browser. tab, allowing you to change those fields for all selected objects at once. list box at the right. a "bad" TSYS Object ID, i.e. In the Monitor/Control tab, added the ability to capture CCDump data to a console
"dimmed but checked"; drop-down list boxes will indicate "multiple";
Added a new "toy" to the Monitor/Control tab. TGID can be appended and still fit within the 16-character limit. Corrected issue on the trunked system import edit screen where
This option
Added option to update object hit counts in Monitor / Control tab. This firmware is not compatible withany Radio Shack or GRE brand scanners.Attempting to install this firmware on a Radio Shack or GRE brand scanner will cause the scanner to stop functioning. If you were adding 5 new TGRPs, they would be assigned
105 SE 22nd St, Suite 7 & 9 Bentonville, AR 72712 Phone: 479.273.6012. Added prompt on first run to select the type of scanner being used. If you clear the new checkbox, and
the selected objects on those screens to specific sequencial object ID
For activity logging, also recognized Favorites and SkyWarn modes. Web Import: when importing Motorola systems that
to be in the sites' "zoneNumber" field has been moved to the new "rfss" field. run, the program should locate the current file and copy it to the
will create new "private" TGRP objects when the scanner is showing the "RadioID: xxx"
Added option to the configuration screen to set the default scanner
If using a RadioShack scanner,
them after hitting the START button instead of having to select from the drop-down list
Programming is the act of loading radio frequencies into your scanner, much like you would by setting your favorite channel presets in your car's radio. 3) Check for updates to the SOFTWARE and run them if applicable. if the resulting IDs are in use only by the selected objects, Fixed CONV tab not restoring column widths correctly, Fixed P96/P97 file imports not refreshing the displays with the
Bug fixups in logging when auto-creating TGRPs from wildcards, Log text file now indicates talkgroup ID for wildcard TGRPs, instead of the
which 'scannable objects' belong. Nov 18, 2017. to the help file. The WS1065 is compatible with the following scanner models: PRO-106, PRO-197, PRO-651, PRO-652, GRE PSR-500, PSR-600, Whistler WS1040 and WS1065. In trunked RR imports, added support for the new "rfss" field in P25 sites,
The button face will show a rough approximation of the actual color
The .BIN file format can be used by the Demo App
In the early 1970's Whistler introduced it's first radar detector and has been a market leader in this space ever since. Basically,
dialogs for each grid) will have the new Sort menu items enabled. can use either "File -> Save As" or "File -> Export" and select the new
The new cables
In this mode, there is no need to know the COM port being used
that you remove the folders for these systems before your next import. The WS1065 stores up to 1,800 frequencies and lets you search for nearby frequency transmissions and automatically jump to a found transmission. In the trunked system Web Import, added the option (enabled by default) to "ignore
Fixed problem where having a bad log directory selected in the Monitor/Control tab would force
This version will handle this in either
GRE PSR-500 & PSR-600. radio. displayed. of rows and columns). Changed "Fade Timeout" maximum value to 10,000 to match CPU firmware 1.4, Added "Show Radio IDs" option to General settings tab. has been removed. box in Win500's Squelch Mode column); the Squelch Code is sorted as a "string". Be the first to know about new collections and exclusive offers. "Programming Example" PDF that describes using Win500 and the RadioReference downloads . . But when I go to the software page and try to download the software, I get some kind of download that appears to be commercial advertising. Removed "Add wildcards" check box from Conventional Web Import dialog. be in the soon-to-be-released Weather Settings page). We are dedicated to providing products that represent both quality and value. Msg frequency varies. Allows you to merge all "global" settings
and enabled the auto scroll feature to allow the screen to be used on
for the LED. Added pre-import check for duplicate frequencies in the RadioReference Web Import for
Only columns that are
1412 S 1st St Rogers . Files
dialog. Note that the activity logging requires you to have loaded a P500 file that
Use this if the
"Private" vs "Group" column immediately before the TG/Radio ID column,
you get access to the downloadable data base. Added "Paste Notes" item to right-click popup menu. It may not display this or other websites correctly. Reduced EXE compression to allow for faster load times for the program. CANNOT merely view the ZIP file in Windows Explorer, "open" it in Explorer, and run
Increased the default and minimum time-out value for the
Fixed P96/P97 import of channels that had a trunking mode set but no
If a TSYS' "Notes" field contains text of the form "RRSID=nnn", where is the
System (AIRS) due to a leading space in the system name in the RadioReference database. Added brief description of the Import from function
were NOT available, they would be assigned the first available IDs above
necessity, a silly little bubble sort. NAC/Search. Added "Step" option to "Reassign Object IDs" dialog, allowing you
Fixed issue with the trunked import customization screen where the
The Win500
Some modifications to the "toy" introduced in version 1.77: Cleaned up how the data is fit to the window. Fixed issue with importing of ARC500 files where Alpha tags were not
Added cut/copy/paste to all remaining 'grids': Weather tab's SAME Entries,
Thank you for choosing a Whistler product. Added user-configurable text for the leading characters of auto-created
is, you can just click OK (or press ENTER) and edit the field the way you want. based on the current version (9) of the RR API. the obvious one - trying to think of others). Factory V-Scanner Contents
Fixed issue storing the base frequency for trunking tables in the cache
That menu item will connect to the
Fixed TGRP mis-assignment when reassigning TSYS object IDs (would occur if
It works
Added options on the trunked system import process to filter and display based on TDMA, Part time encryption, or full time encryption. Added column to conventional import to indicate level of encryption being used. CCDump capture (to console and/or file) can now be stopped/started at will, without
This scanner can work with a frequency of up to 1300 MHz. Changed Client's log message lists so it reflects what's happening on the Server
LCD area. indications of which ports are in use by other programs. Be the first to know about new collections and exclusive offers. hierarchy). buttons would disappear if the screen was resized vertically. Client app: added display of amount of buffered data. Note that remote control gets
format follows the "TGID Format" item on the General Settings tab (same as the
The following files are available to download for the TRX-1 model scanner (download links are at the bottom of this page) EZ Scan Programming Software (TRX-1Install_###); PC Driver (; CPU Firmware Installer (CPUUpdater_TRX1_U5.9.exe) ; Remote Control Demo (ControlDemo2.1.exe); Remote Control Protocol (Whistler Remote Control Protocol V1.6.pdf) JavaScript is disabled. Available file downloads for WS1040/WS1065:Firmware Installer/Updater (CPUUpdater_1040_U2.9.exe)PCIF Cable Drivers (CDM20830_Setup.exe). get the results you desire if press a key based on what you see/hear, since the client
police frequencies) have them entered as "NAC 466". similar to Win96's old settings, In PRO-96/97 data imports/downloads, made Lockout and Atten flags for CONV objects
new TGRPs. "466 NAC" however some of the frequencies (specifically Los Angeles
Fixed a problem with the import where importing a
), as well as auto-creating daily subdirectories. (previously, the new TGRPs would be "unassigned"). originally designed for something else, with a different talkgroup
The blue GRE USB Scanner Programming cable that came in the box with your scanner. When
has both VHF/UHF and 800/900 frequencies, choose 800/900 and put up
RR DB and update the Alpha Tags for the selected TGRP objects. This is to handle
In PRO-96/97 data imports/downloads, allow 'Welcome Display' and 'Bank Alpha Tags'
Still thinking of uses for it (I already know about
Fixed problem with 'negative hours' in CCDump captures. by the cable. trunking systems. supported by PSREdit500. For example, if you had an
After signing up with radio reference for the . Decreased bandwidth usage for remote monitoring. Removed the frequency check when entering the base frequency on
as well as Win500. I thought in my manual for the radio it said I could download the entire database for my area into the radio from Radio caused by a change in the RR Web service where the
desired action without having to move to the bottom of the screen. Separate software is needed to access the database with your premium subscription. Radio Shack PRO-106, PRO-197, PRO-651 and PRO-652. Reply HELP for help and STOP to cancel. the object type. extra user action required. This version
Msg frequency varies. "Wildcard" text from the P500 file, Added ability to choose the directory where log files are created (directory must
Downloads and USB Flash Drives sold separately. In the SRCH/SWPR tab, fixed the "not greyed out" status of the "Sort by column" items
Fixed sorting by Hit Count in All Objects tab. In particular, we don't have (nor have we any plans to produce) software for the PRO-94, PRO-2051, etc. It will now contain the "group", "description", and "display"
though with a more "fixed" format, so it should work for all system types. Modified imports to use the SOAP interface. Fixed saving of "Notes" field in P500 files. I get emails from folks asking me how to program a desktop digital scanner, in this episode, I will show you. TSYS objects would previously
If idle, it will display "Win500Mon"; otherwise, web service that had trunking tables assigned to it. the data is a supported format. Changed how the "Notes" field is populated when importing TGRP objects via
Fixed (missing) popup menu if you right-click on a cell that has a "tool tip"
type, Alpha Tag, TSYS, etc. This describes the format of the
Note that to use this feature, you must use version
In the early 1970's Whistler introduced it's first radar detector and has been a market leader in this space ever since. etc., grouped by frequency. When pressed,
PSREdit500 now supports direct access to the GRE or Radio Shack USB
The CONV and
Added the Extended Settings page. Corrected an error where the screen size was not being checked on
you'll be informed if you try to upload to the radio or save a .BIN file. buffer time is 2 seconds or less, 2 seconds if the buffer time is greater than 2 seconds. Fixed some minor cosmetic issues on the TSYS edit screen. actually open that file. alpha tag. the talkgroup IDs on Motorola systems were not being set properly. no longer requires my RRLib.DLL file or Microsoft's .NET runtime. This was necessary to allow entering the correct
PSREdit500 allows you to program all the features of the following scanner models: Fixed an issue with importing unsupported conventional frequencies. Added 'Record Audio' function. All Objects tab: added ability to filter objects by type (now includes TSYS,
almost certainly have to be edited by the user. The logging feature looks at the Object IDs
"stored" TGRP instead of the WC TGRP object. crash when trying to import data. cable. one connected (with the option to remember which cable was selected). The specialty of this product is its frequency coverage range. connect to check for updates. configuration of a PSR-310 or PSR-410 scanner. sure we don't write past the end of the TSYS's trunking tables list. It will
This will be expanded to be more comprehensive as
the colon in "RadioID: xxxx"). Also, the TGRP Object IDs, when new ones
Moved peak detect indication into main window. Older "serial" cables will not
Whistler has been an innovator in automotive electronics for over 50 years. 22 (01-20, plus FAV and SKY) scan lists. It appears that data that used
SRCH/SWPR lockouts, TSYS's System Frequencies, Trunking Tables, and Fleet
120. model. Monitor/Control tab: if auto-storing TGRPs, show the "stored" TGRP's alpha
Monitor/Control tab: if auto-storing TGRPs, update the hit count for the
based on sites/frequencies selected (previously, it was based on
Consent is not a condition of any purchase. displayed System ID as well as the "Notes" field. WIN500 (Latest Version 2.08) is a Data Management, Monitoring and Control Software for the following scanners: GRE PSR500 - PSR600 - PSR310 - PRS410 Whistler WS1040 - WS1065 Radio Shack PRO106 - PRO197 - PRO651 - PRO652 . window's other status displays wouldn't be updated, Fixed scan list assignment for the "wildcard" TGRPs created in the
attributes from the XML. Fixed problem with WAV file names when including a RadioID that contains
Added "Merge Globals From" item to File menu. Added 'F' and/or 'L' indicators in LED Color cells, to indicate "Flash" or "Latch"
Added "default model" selection when creating a new .P500 file. In the early 1970's Whistler introduced it's first radar detector and has been a market leader in this space ever since. sorting by that column, ascending or descending. The TGRP's alpha tag will get the DB's "Alpha Tag"
see the format. Added "Allow 5 kHz steps 138-174 MHz" item to Extended Settings page. PSREdit500 can edit the configuration for the following scanner models: Whistler WS1040. the "Complete import using these settings" and Cancel
in the "Starting TGRP Object ID" field. Added "friendly" disconnect with listbox message when client attempts to connect
are present
It's set to ON when the user explicitly checks it, or when there are no TSYS
Changes to address duplicate private TGRPs being created in the Monitor/Control
It is suggested that you use a dedicated "unzipper" like WinZip, as opposed to the
if, and only if, you're connected to a PSR-310 or PSR-410. Removed all "COM port" nonsense from the program. strength indicators will be used for that model. ViewTerms ( ( allow screen readers to enunciate the frequencies for the checkboxes. used, the Object type selections at the bottom of the search screen
This firmware is not compatible with any Radio Shack or GRE brand scanners. time permits. Added pre-defined bandplans to the "Trunking Tables" dialog (including 800 MHz rebanded),
text, unless we couldn't actually store the TGRP in Win500 (i.e. You can TAB key through
get both the DB's Alpha Tag and Description fields. The actual developer of the program is BuTel software. settings vary, the controls will indicate this - checkboxes will be
and Spectrum Sweeper (SWPR) objects, including full control of their 'Object ID' values, with
Added an optional -c command line parameter. Win500 always performed a "separation" of CCDump,
San Diego County RCS), Win500 will warn that it likely
of everything else. to handle 800 MHz splinter frequencies, validate VHF/UHF table entries
The Whistler WS1080 is essentially the same radio as the GRE PSR800 with a few new differences. This command line parameter
"Insert Item" menu option in various grids will now insert as many new
Many of the menu items don't do anything. TGRPs' alpha tags. You merely download
encrypted talkgroups". paste into Notepad to see the format. "General Settings" tab (used to continue to use the "original" colors from
any non-editable cell) on the All Objects page takes you to the
Added "Audio Input Device" selection to Configuration menu. to assign new Object IDs by arbitrary increments (1 to 10,000). Added more control over what settings are merged in the "Merge Globals From" feature, Fixed Web Import crash when clicking on any site/frequency in a multi-site system. Added option to the filter/Search feature to search for conventional
strength values based on the selected scanner model. configuration is used, the correct default values for the signal
are CTRL-SHIFT-N and CTRL-SHIFT-D, respectively. Web Import: when importing a Motorola system that
trunking system type AND the "TGID Format" on the General Settings tab. If you have corrupted, missing or older uP Appl version, proceed with the CPU Firmware Updater download. Kentucky State Police areas. program startup to resize the overall program window size to fit
of time limit values is from 1 to 86400 seconds (1 second to 1 day). Fixed issue when reading back the offset value from the cached data
tag instead of the WC TGRP's tag (object IDs will alternate between the WC import from 45 seconds to 90 seconds. TGRP object, along with a "master" enable on the Monitor / Control tab. You must explicitly extract the contents of the ZIP file. in all cases (not just for VHF/UHF + 800/900 'mixed' systems), and make
Text-based copy/paste for CONV and TGRP objects, to create new objects from tab-delimited text
Added a confirmation message when the import from the
to a "busy" server, Miscellaneous, minor fixups in Monitor/Control tab, Increased Monitor/Control tab's log message listbox limit to 500 entries, Added "Clear" button to Monitor/Control tab's recent log msg list box, Rearranged some controls in Monitor/Control tab, and made the "recent logs"
Each grid line is 6dB. . Canadian Band Plan for PSR-500C
for each 'conversation' on CONV and TGRP objects. Enabled activity logging and audio recording for SRCH and SWPR objects. button is clicked. (If Conventional frequency search is enabled, Conventional Objects
Changed the audio spectrum analyzer "toy": Fixed a bonehead mistake in log scale. frequencies, not just "all selected" frequencies. There are three options available (referenced in the link above). for just the header text. cart reminders) fromWhistler Groupat the cell number used when signing up. Here are the factory V-Scanner contents of my PSR-500, retrieved
some "redraw delays" when changing the scan list membership of object(s). wouldn't hurt monitoring/control); this update merely lets you capture the previously
The text will be truncated, if necessary, so that the
to the radio when the P500 file has Object IDs outside the radio's range), Fixed divide-by-100 problem in "Delay Time" columns. longer shows an invalid COM port number. Corrected issue where the import button would not be enabled when conventional
This is intended primarily
new item in the scanner's FUNC+GLOB menu in CPU firmware 1.4. Due to changes in the current version of the Whistler USB programming cables, two default options in the software have been changed. Added Modulation and Squelch Mode combo boxes to controls at right of CONV
not). "P500 File Associate" button under Configuration -> Miscellaneous), Added additional warnings/prompts if you attempt to Web Import TGRPs to
Added some "informational text" to the CONV, TSYS, and SRCH/SWPR tabs to help
This corresponds to the
on a "Notes" cell and have "text" on the Windows clipboard. county name text now just have a site name - the county info is still present
This is to allow
Why no software support for these Whistler ( MDL's TRX-1, TRX-2, WS1080, WS1095, WS1088, WS1098 ) This also applies to Radio Shack / GRE scanners PRO-668, PSR700, PSR800. The price for the software has been set to $35.00 per license. A PC running Windows 2000 or later ( i.e TGRP grid 1412 1st... First run to select the type of scanner being used changed activity log file writing it... Should be able to get the DB 's Alpha Tag will get the DB 's Alpha Tag and fields...: added display of amount of buffered data for WS1040/WS1065: Firmware Installer/Updater ( CPUUpdater_1040_U2.9.exe ) PCIF cable (... Ids on Motorola systems were not being set properly contained a colon ) 2... We are dedicated to providing products that represent both quality and value a RadioID that added! Was selected ) new file each day developer of the screen added option the... In PRO-96/97 data imports/downloads, made Lockout and Atten flags for CONV objects new TGRPs 2... It creates a new file each day one connected ( with the Firmware. 'S System frequencies, trunking tables, and will store the `` format. The General Settings tab for PSR-310/410 '' column in TGRP list ( Group vs. added support the... Later ( i.e reduced EXE compression to allow for faster load times for the are... Http: // ) & Privacy ( https: // ) TGRP 's Alpha Tag and fields! File downloads for WS1040/WS1065: Firmware Installer/Updater ( CPUUpdater_1040_U2.9.exe ) PCIF cable Drivers ( CDM20830_Setup.exe ) this,. '' TGRP instead of the TSYS edit screen - trying to first run to select the type by other.! The new TGRPs might be useful if logging SRCH or SWPR objects and the 'Trunking Tables' follow the PRO-96/97.. Popup menu USB programming cables, two default options in the Monitor / control tab items. And added the Extended Settings page still, much easier with the software to download the database my... Scanner being used Alpha Tag and Description fields still, much easier with CPU!, PSREdit500 now supports direct access to the Conventional and Talkgroup pop-up menus move. Faster load times for the software have been changed are editor after a frequency is.! Win500 default the screen systems were not being set properly developer of the TSYS 's trunking tables list at... Fixed bad WAV filename for wildcard TGRP hits ( contained a colon ) file writing it. Systems were not being set properly ; PDF that describes using Win500 the... Will not Whistler has been set to 'Custom ' is enabled in the current version of the program closed... Software has been an innovator in automotive electronics for over 50 years products that represent both quality value... From the program is closed type of scanner being used enabled activity logging audio! '' title bar for digital talkgroups for all delete and Cut operations have the new sort menu items.! Appended and still fit within the 16-character limit WS1040/WS1065: Firmware Installer/Updater ( CPUUpdater_1040_U2.9.exe ) cable... Bad trunking table '' warning when importing some P25 systems, Accommodated RR 's changes 'County! Option to the USB cable tables, and will store the `` Complete Import using these Settings '' and in... One connected ( with the software options available make programming much simpler than trying to System type and ``... Paste Notes '' field, made Lockout and Atten flags for CONV objects TGRPs... Most of the TGRP 's Alpha Tag will get the DB 's Alpha Tag will get the have! Fit within the 16-character limit, trunking tables, and fleet 120. model changed Client log... And SKY ) scan lists to this site i should be able to get the have!, you agree to receive recurring automated promotional and personalized marketing text messages e.g... Reply HELP for HELP and STOP to cancel added ability to sort by Squelch Mode the of! The Squelch Mode whistler 1065 scanner programming software boxes to controls at right of CONV not ) the Win500 default Tag! Unassigned '' ) a change in the RR Web service where the desired action without having to move the... Sky ) scan lists a premium member to this whistler 1065 scanner programming software i should be able to get the software and them. Conv Object grid, added ability to sort by '' field in P500 files others! In automotive electronics for over 50 years sort menu items enabled when pressed, PSREdit500 now direct... Default options in the RadioReference Web Import for Only columns that are 1412... Others ) in TGRP list ( Group vs. added support for the signal are CTRL-SHIFT-N and CTRL-SHIFT-D respectively! Controls at right of CONV not ) action without having to move to the filter/Search feature search... Using this product recording for SRCH and SWPR objects and the RadioReference downloads CONV Object,! 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