Things take a turn for the worse and get much darker when Flash learns about Peter's coping mechanism and realizes just how much power he has over Peter. He tries to figure out how this all happened and how he got there in the first place, and he wonders if a suspicious sorcerer had something to do with it.___. Why was Peter skipping lab sessions again and barely texting him back? ~A oneshot, Red Booth Seats, Checkered Tiles, and Neon Lights. Procrastination is a bitch, and now he has to do 4 days of homework in less than one. That is until Doctor Strange and Wanda Maximoff come to her. Civil War never happened! Flash says as him and his crew leave to go to class, still laughing at the boy. As Tony tries to figure out an impossible solution, Peter and Cassie have to learn to survive in captivity. "No, no! Peter Parker acts like a spider, and he finds a little surprise (he can now make his own webs, just it really isn't him). That one roof that he always sat on, just waiting to find some trouble. tip: katekyou "alternate universe" sort:>words. The signing fuelled the premature break up of the Avengers. !, I've been reading some peter parker field trip one-shots, and I felt like I had to make one too! He yelled and stood up slowly. so much so that tony didnt even notice the first skipped lab session. Tom Holland's Peter Parker. He shook his head and spun himself up on the roof beside the other building which the two men stood on. And with that, Tony finally stopped. ", ______________________Page Break___________________________________________. Seeing that it's slightly curved to the right and black and blue. After the spell, he lost everyone and everything he cared about. His chest hurt too much. "Fine" Peter says as he takes the plate and starts to go to the door. Then his gang starts to join him. A year before it passed Peter Parker took on the mantel of Spiderman. Hey, Mr. Stark! Peter greeted with as much enthusiasm as he could pull together given the circumstances. But soon, a deadly new enemy threatens to destroy everything they've worked so hard to rebuild. The both men turned around and looked surprised. But then I ran away. Ongoing. This tag belongs to the Additional Tags Category. What could possibly go wrong? After a while he started to get control of his arms. Get out of my head!". I will try to pick it back up in February but I can't make any promises. How will they cope with their weird family trying to embarrass them. In fact, everything was numb. Peter Parker has bad luck. Where instead of Gotham. Because who do we as writers send on field trips more than Peter Parker? -sick days . This is my first reader insert story so plz have grace with me. Peter says and gets up and out of his warm but uncomfortable bed. No. You haven't eaten in about 3 days and 3 days ago you only ate half an apple because I forced you too! Not his kid. Peter Parker left the Avengers months ago after hearing about Deadpool being hired. Venom Peter Parker Whump Hurt Tony Stark Hurt Natasha Romanov Hurt comfort Irondad Black ooze trailed from Peter's eyes. He had sticky super powers after all. Will the Avengers come to terms with Python or will she bring them down one by one? Tony sat down beside him, gently pulled the mask off of his small head, revealing his brown and curly hair that should've been cut weeks ago. MJ shoved a permission slip into his hand at his comment. Parker." What would you like the message to say?. Wanda and Pe Peter Parker has been living a rough life. The sky was filled with light pink clouds, slowly drifting away over him. Peter lives with the avengers in the tower and nat and bucky are his adopted parents after his aunt May died (sorry). Hope you enjoy! Yelena is going through a similar time. He used to live with his aunt, now where is he? Then came the Stark-Rogers husbands. Peter Parker and his Decathlon team go on a three day field trip to Stark Tower. He says looking at his nose. Th-thank you for everything, Peter cried breathlessly behind the mask, preparing for one last waltz with Thanos. The bigger man with the tattoo on his forearm yelled as he pushed the other man to his back. There's nothing he could do to change that. after peter is finally rescued, tony deals with this. Nearly two years after they saved the world and defeated Thanos, Clint is a walking shell of himself, though he puts on a brave front for his family. "Hello, Peter." Chapter 2: Peter and Cassie attempt to escape for the second time, and of courseit doesn't work. Peters metabolism makes it excruciatingly difficult to take the edge off. I decorated it like a grave, the noncon doesn't happen in the fic but it is the entire point of the fic, Skip is barely in the fic and only for like one line and the rest is just talking about him, Spider-Man: No Way Home (Movie) Compliant, Peter Parker & James "Rhodey" Rhodes & Tony Stark, May Parker (Spider-Man) & Tony Stark Coparenting Peter Parker, James "Rhodey" Rhodes & Tony Stark Friendship, Iron Dad/Spider Son Short stories and One Shots, Im Sorry I Left but It Was for the Best (Though It Never Felt Right), Steve Rogers Acting as Peter Parker's Parental Figure, Implied/Referenced Alcohol Abuse/Alcoholism, Spider-man and The Black Cat arrested in scuffle with avengers at Times Square, the avengers are adults and dont watch disney movies every night, Peter Parker dislikes the Avengers (and they hate him), Peter Parker is Tony Stark's Biological Child, Harley Keener is Tony Stark's Biological Child, Harley Keener & Peter Parker are Siblings, Peter Parker & Peter-Two & Peter-Three (Spider-Man: No Way Home), The meaning of the Lily of The Valley flower is a nod to the plot hehe. It was a tradition Tony has started years ago: See a movie once a week and walk home, taking in the sights of the city and breathe the (semi-) clean air. The boy was sporting a snarl as his fists clenched. But before he could ask FRIDAY, the Avengerswalked into the Med Bay. hurtpeter peterparker spiderman irondad tonystark protectivetony avengers spiderson hurt-comfort comfort dadtony peter angst superfamily stark brucebanner clintbarton captainamerica ironman steverogers 35 Stories # 1 Everything's Fine by Sam 469K 13.2K 19 Peter isn't the same after the events of homecoming. Normally 10 yea Peter Parker. Currently experiencing a very bad case of writer's block so I've decided to put this story on hold. Come back here righ." May says before she is cut off by the door slamming in front of her. I can't remember the last time I hugged them. She is the last hope in defeating a Multiversal threat. You better read to find out! Steve keeps the shield close as he checks the peephole to his Brooklyn brownstones front door. In their darkest times, they were sent help in one another. It was always as pretty. and now he (tony), may, and all peters friends were left in the dust, with nothing tangible to grasp onto. After Peter messes up on a mission and causes the adults in his life to get mad at him, Parker luck strikes again and pulls him into an alternate universe. Peter has one Facebook friend currently attending MIT: Steven Skip Westcott., Another fic where the Avengers take over Twitter- because lets face it those guys need some good publicity rn. For once in his life, Tony Stark had no fucking clue what was going on, and it was killing him. I bet you know a few people who could answer that" Flash says in a harsh tone. His Aunt and Uncle have taken care of him ever since. Why do they keep pursuing him and how far are they willing to go till they catch him? Peter says starting to walk to the front door with his book bag strap hanging off one side of his shoulder connected to the book bag itself. "Okay." Tony was taken aback from Peter's willingness to give back the suit. Peter must evade capture if he ants to continue to protect his family and city. It isn't soon until he wakes up in another world not so different from his (but still different) that he realizes something's wrong. Well, he thinks that its his fault and blames himself for all his family's deaths. Tony Stark says looking at the kids shocked face. Flash hadn't bothered him yet and there were no obvious alien invasions detected by his spidey-sense . Peter at age 5 lost his parents to a plane crash. The date of the yearly field trip is just around the corner and Peter hopes so bad that this year's trip is gonna be normal, seeing as the last two times he went on an excursion didn't exactly go smoothly. She had lost the one thing that mattered at all to her- her sister. Sorry in advance. But his past will forever haunt him and he will always blame himself for there death's. The Avengers are of course a little skeptical, but soon learn that Tony could be an asset to their team //REQUESTS OPENED// Bunches of fanfiction involving the original 6 Avengers with a few different ones sprinkled in But the Avenger's children, raised by Peter Parker, team up to defeat Thanos once and for all Come in to read stories and.. "What What are you talkin about, Pete? Oh, to be carried in the arms of your crush when you're on death's doorstep. Peter hits rock bottom after being homeless for two months. "Great." Thank god. He just wants to keep his head down, do his job as Spider-Man and to keep his loved ones safe. #superfamily -Oneshot, A botched mission, a laced knife, and blood. Complete. The Avengers are pretty cool people- they saved the world countless times , and keep their crazy sid. Im from the future and I need your help, he said, heart pounding as Stranges eyes widened with realisation. I should be able to remember the last time we hugged, yet no matter how hard I try, I can't. Peter Parker was also no stranger to calamity, though his trail of misfortune had started when he was 4- he had gone through a lothe could only hope he wasnt broken beyond repair as well. #ironman Yelena is going through a similar time. "Puny Peter Parker! one second peter was there, the next he wasnt. Theres no tag for Dex & Peter? #worried -a little angst She is the rightful owner of the first 5 parts along with the beginning part of the plot. Note my sarcasm. Btw the cover is Disneyland Paris' Spider-Man when I met him and he was so cute! She simply stated. Peter wanted to be lighter, to be faster and better. Just a warning to anyone sensitive to gory descriptions and things like that. You nose is dislocated and these bruises are really bad" Tony says worried. Pepper and Tony immediately took Peterin their arms. there had been no leads, no cctv footage, no nothing. Karen's voice interrupted Peter trying to push web out of the small devices on his wrists: +. There were three ways people were seeing the current situation, which could easily be summarised in three headlines. In Hydra's basement. Things take a turn for the worse and get much darker when Flash learns about Peter's coping mechanism and realizes just how much power he has over Peter. Peter Parker is kidnapped late on the night of December 4, 2016. Please just eat this" Aunt May says handing him a plate with blueberry pancakes. Peter was bitten by a radioactive spider at age 13 and is now 15. "Nice try. It was his favorite roof. I decorated it like a grave, the noncon doesn't happen in the fic but it is the entire point of the fic, Skip is barely in the fic and only for like one line and the rest is just talking about him, Spider-Man: No Way Home (Movie) Compliant, Peter Parker & James "Rhodey" Rhodes & Tony Stark, May Parker (Spider-Man) & Tony Stark Coparenting Peter Parker, James "Rhodey" Rhodes & Tony Stark Friendship, Iron Dad/Spider Son Short stories and One Shots, Im Sorry I Left but It Was for the Best (Though It Never Felt Right), Steve Rogers Acting as Peter Parker's Parental Figure, Implied/Referenced Alcohol Abuse/Alcoholism, Spider-man and The Black Cat arrested in scuffle with avengers at Times Square, the avengers are adults and dont watch disney movies every night, Peter Parker dislikes the Avengers (and they hate him), Peter Parker is Tony Stark's Biological Child, Harley Keener is Tony Stark's Biological Child, Harley Keener & Peter Parker are Siblings, Peter Parker & Peter-Two & Peter-Three (Spider-Man: No Way Home), The meaning of the Lily of The Valley flower is a nod to the plot hehe. "Are you okay? The timing of Peters absenteeism and mood swings matches the winter, spring, summer, and Thanksgiving breaks in the MIT academic calendar. He buried himself in superhero work, just to fill the empty space where his heart should be. Karen answered. But what happens when he catches the attention of a few superheroes, one of which he bears a striking resemblance to? Peter are you okay?, Flash, hey Peter breathed out in relief I-I dont Im sorry for waking you, Its okay, dont worry about it. He first appeared in the Amazing Fantasy #15 in August of 1962. But then again, it was only last period of school and a lot could still go wrong in the rest of the day.. pisces man scorpio woman real life experience. With a dangerous organization of murderers and terrorists after him, he has to do whatever he can to stay hidden and survive. Tony picks a sick Peter up from school, 4. Two deaths, a decade apart, and a war on the horizon - there lies only one truth. He could hear the wind in a whisper through the suit and felt the cold night chill spreading across the city. He lives with his aunt may in their small apartment in queens New Yo (Sequel to Perks of Being a Spider-Man) He just had to shoot his web and-. what did he say? tony asked, leaning forward on the couch. And before now, Tony thought he had intimate knowledge of the dark intricacies of horror. Peter was walking down the street when he heard someone call out, "Hey! Tony whipped around to find Morgan awake. Then came the Stark-Rogers husbands. -irondad ned paused, looking down at the text. "Wait! Flash yells as they start to punch and kick harder. When a car accident took May from me last year, I'd ended up in a boy's home, and to put it bluntly, I was falling apart. Hed been on the receiving end of that before, after all. He was created by writer-editor Stan Lee and writer-artist Steve Ditko. Peter Parker is no ordinary science geek. Shit! So, I started spending weekday afternoons in the man's lab with not only the billionaire himself, but his husband too. ), tries to become Spider-Man again, and- woah, this is all harder than it looks.ft. I'm taking you to stark tower to have Bruce look at you face" Tony says pulling the kid to the door. " He liked knowing that Tony didn't care for him only because of his spider thingy, but because of him. Peter isn't the same after the events of homecoming. Don't talk about him like that!" He must genuinely be dreaming or something. Peter is caught in an attack by some Yokai, luckily some friendly mutants are around to help out. He got a cool wi-sorcerer father and two siblings (Okay, Harley was more of a cousin, but still) out of that. Days later, his aunt and uncle noticed that he was no longer spending any time with Skip, and they questioned him about it. Oneshots will include May Parker (Spider-Man) & Tony Stark Coparenting Peter Parker Italian Tony Stark Tony Stark Calls Peter Parker "Baby" Irondad Irondad & Spiderson Hi Mr Stark!" Peter chirped, acting as if his foot was perfectly normal to be leaking out like a juice box onto the floor. #fatherson Peter answered as he jumped off of the building, pushing his first rounds of web out. When hed asked May last time it was happening, she seemed equally confused. What he should have been worried about was the pair of crooks planning to use him as their own personal antivenom bank. Lately, Peter has noticed he has gotten closer to his mentor Tony Stark. But then his Uncle Ben died in front of him a day after he was bitten by a radioactive spider at Oscorp. #hawkeye A poverty-stricken, friendless Peter Parker gets a job as an intern with Nelson and Murdock: Attorneys at Law. I exist. The tattoo man crumbled upon the other man and started throwing punches. Chapter 2: Peter and Cassie attempt to escape for the second time, and of courseit doesn't work. A field trip, perhaps? Peter thinks he's dreaming, but he realizes this is his new reality. His body heals the evidence quickly and he has his own coping mechanisms to deal with the emotions. It's always a field trip. Please consider turning it on! Tony couldve sworn his eyes flashed black each time the alarm blared. He goes to Midtown high school but has no friends. DISCLAIMER: I OWN NONE OF THESE CHARACTERS RIGHTS GO TO MARVEL. Wasnt seasonal depression normally just a winter thing? What will happen with her and Peter Parker's friendship? She continued. one that peter welcomed, and that tony couldn't stop. "Mr. Parker, you appear to have fractured three ribs to the left of your chest, causing you to stop breathing for more than a minute. His eyes were closed.Tony took his left hand and felt the pulse on Peter neck. He'd thought it out and was excited to put it all together-- until the knife slipped and he accidentally cut his thumb. Now living with Tony, can his life he restored and back how it was before? Sure it's a great opportunity for everyone, but he goes there a lot since his Stark Internship became real. So, I started spending weekday afternoons in the man's lab with not only the billionaire himself, but his husband too. Peter formed his hands around his mouth, "hoooooo, hoooooo!". When the Avengers, Guardians, and Wakandans come to visit for the Hero convention, what could go wrong? She had lost the one thing that mattered at all to her- her sister. After the Vulture and Dr. Octopus incident Peter and the Avengers believe that it is time to relax and take a break. Meanwhile, the Kingpin amasses power again after Thanos' snap, and Daredevil learns that Wilson Fisk is free again. Read stories about #avengers, #fieldtrips, and #anxiety on Wattpad, recommended by Marvel616React So you can imagine his surprise when he finds himself stuck with Deadpool on a mission to essentially avenge his dead girlfriend. When Steve saw Bucky hiding in the shadows of his hallway, he really wasn't expecting to be attacked by a small child. ~Dedicated to Poppy (go check her out! Disclaimer: All characters belong to Marvel and/or Sony. "Shit, kid!" *ummm, you ok kid?" He wouldn't answer. Will it be enough to satisfy them? Surely there's nobody around who he could relate to. I don't feel good my head it spinning please stop moving me" Peter says holding his head and backing away from Tony's hand refusing to walk anymore. Peter could feel the bruises and then Flash punches him right in the face again. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. He swung and swung through the city. tip: lex m/m (mature OR explicit). When Peter is abruptly taken from Tony by a mysterious criminal, the teen has to fight tooth and nail to make it out of the man's clutches, testing him every step of the Peter had a knack for keeping things to himself, causing an unnecessary amount of stress for an graying Tony Stark. Why oh why couldn't he ha (So this is my second 'Peter's Class goes on field trip to Stark Towers' fanfic but with a little twist.) Enjoy! Tony, because of all those reasons, but mostly because he . Short summary: Peter falls from a building, will Karen shut up about it or tell Tony? II just don't like people examining me" Peter says remembering when someone kidnapped him and used him to look at what he can do with his powers. What was going on? Tony Stark: A genius billionaire who has lost his parents, his son, and in time, his happiness to the likes of the enhanced. Single. Peter sees everyone start to leave and while he's laying on the ground he lifts his hand up to his nose. His whole family has died besides his Aunt May. The knot that lives in his throat grows bigger; his cheeks fills with warmth. I was so worried," came his mom's voice, trembling with joy. tip: arthur merlin words>1000 sort:hits. Every minute of every day those 6 words buzz in the back of his mind and he has no idea why. Are you alright?, Yeah Im alright I just- Ive kinda been lightly stabbed, Im sorry did you just say lightly stabbed?. So Peter replied to Stark by just sighing defeatedly and shrugging. But Peter wasn't aware that he stood so close to the edge. It's a field trip. He can't be. Peter says hurt. He was sick of being Spider-Man. college basketball recruiting rankings 2022. . Peter soon discovers that the mercenary is not at all what he originally thought. He started to wiggle his fingertips in order to get control of his arms. Finally. After No Way Home, Piper has lost her best friends, her family, and her connection to her hero. But you don't know what this is like for me, okay? Tony heard something drop and shatter while he was still finishing up his work on Rhodeys suit, Kid? It wasnt like Peter to drop things. My first published crossover fic, hope you enjoy! No updates by police radio has been contacted.". Im just gonna.. Close my eyes for a bit Tony picks a sick Peter up from school pt. Single. This is a book of one shots about Peter's life living with the avengers! So, like Peter, she buried herself in assassin work. Anyways, I hope y School trips to avengers compound and tower. #hurt After getting through with the webs, he didn't really get worried by the thought of falling - he could always shoot a web and everything would be fine. That's my que!" Then at age 14(About a week later) his girlfriend Mary-Jane died, falling off a tower. "Its dislocated! The Spider didn't want a new Handler, but the Spider did not get a say. Pietro didn't die. 'I do have a reason for being here, y'know.' "I can't go back to class like this!" He often sat up there to watch as the sun went down. Or A Doctor Strange and Wanda come to her. Flash Thompson has bullied Peter Parker for as long they both can remember, but Peter can handle it. - for the people who shyed away from violence, but strayed towards gossip. From strangers, to friends, to more. "kid, your coming right now!" ", Peter Parker dies after Thanos successfully snaps. I don't own anything. Peter was suddenly startled, looking around the room like he heard something no one else did. What happened to him during that time, and how he died remains a mystery. His hands, his face, his legsEverything. "ok bye Aunt May. Will all the sophomores please report to the gym, thank you* The announcement speaker says making Peter jump. Not even his chest moved.His chest didn't move? Peter has a migraine during school, and of course, he doesn't tell anyone until Tony finds out when he comes home. The two find solace and a renewed love for life in each other. What he should have been worried about was the pair of crooks planning to use him as their own personal antivenom bank. Peter Parker barely registered the far-off voice as Ned's. His head was spinning as he struggled to open his locker. #irondad "It seems to be a sort of conflict between two men on the roof top west of you, Mr. No, he's fine. #whump Stark?" More importantly, will he be able to keep his identity hidden? character: bucky character: clint barton character: darcy lewis character: fury character: harley keener character: howard stark character: hulk character: james rhodes character: jane foster character: jarvis character: laufey character: loki character: maria hill character: natasha romanov character: obadiah stane character: peggy carter There is nothing left for her except being Spider Man. She called Ned. When Peter faces a strange new villain, he ends up befriending a certain female archer. It was ju A few connected oneshots about the life of Peter as an intern at SI, What happens when Peter goes on a field trip to his own home? His parents died in a plane crash and his uncle was shot. The Avengers are dropped into a theater and watch Far From Home. Or a kidnapping? The sound of Karen's voice took him back to consciousness, he can't have been out for very long as Karen was still asking him if she should dial Tony. He never thought it would get too serious, he never thought it would be an issue, he never thought he would be caught. (WITH SPIDEYPO Completed your coming with me! Peter runs to the bathroom to look at his beat up face. Tony Stark is a survivor of horrors. Please consider turning it on! Peter liked it. The Sokovia Accords were established by the United Nations and ratified in 2016 by 117 countries, the Accords served as a legal response to international concerns over unsanctioned actions and consequences by enhanced individuals. He was falling. At night he is the masked hero called spider-man and has been doing his crime fighting ever since Uncle Ben died. But on April 7th, 2018, nearly two years after the Avengers broke up, Tony found out just how wrong he was. Are you okay? To cover for his time patrolling he tells everyone that he has a STARK Internship, even though no one believes him about it. So when his class gets a field trip to Stark Tower it doesn't really surprise him. Peter was alone in his room, May was hanging out with her boyfriend. He is Spiderman. #steverogers Now after coming under the New Avengers' radar his private vigilante lifestyle is threatened. Dangerous," Peter cried. The boy was sporting a snarl as his fists clenched. Ned and MJ are his best friends but Flash and most of the people in his class (including Mr Harrington Peter Stark and the No Good Very Bad Field Trip, Peter Parker and the Adventures in Interning, Peter Parker and his trip to Stark Towers, oneshots fieldtrips to Stark Industries hell, Peter Parker And His Trip To Stark Industries, A superfamily with a fieldtrip destination (Peter Parker/Spidey) . Tony and Steve pick him back up. #marvel In their darkest times, they were sent help in one another. Peter stumbled back and felt the wind on his back. "umm im good, really. 2. tip: "sherlock (tv)" m/m NOT "sherlock holmes/john watson". He enters school, meets some interesting people (who are the Bats? He had taken up to putting on his suit just for someone to talk to. It hasn't even been that long since I've seen them. (Comfort + Bedside Vigil + "You can rest now. How will Wade and Matt deal with the aftermath of their teammate getting stabbed? Puny little Parker!" After much hesitation, he somehow found the courage to tell them what happened.. Bucky is on his heels, pistol in hand with the safety off. In fact, he took a few steps back. Avengers fanfiction peter loses control boki mv After a mini-panic attack, Peterwanted to meet everyone. Alternatively: How would Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse be different if MCU Peter was pulled in? Obviously a Peter Parker based. Dark Matter by mysterycyclone. Only one thought raced through his mind. "Spider-man and The Black Cat arrested in scuffle with avengers at Times Square" - the people who could only see what the government told them, and nothing past that.

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avengers fanfiction peter hurt on patrol