Its like a code for the party apparatus. Its totally untenable but yet I have seen so many in high positions double dip or even have businesses on the side that enrich them even more. That is it. If I had never joined a church till I had found one that was perfect, I should never have joined one at all; and the moment I did join it, if I had found one, I should have spoiled it, for it would not have been a perfect church after I had become a member of it. Why we continue to metaphorically want a father clergyperson when Jesus Himself said a resounding no to that model? WE need to correct others, and we need to be able to receive correction. Paul, on the other hand, addresses pastoring in practicing detail, in some of the epistles. I asked to meet with the pastor and was referred to an intern and then to a lay minister. What I see happening is horrifying. No vote, no discussion, just heres who it is, like it or not. I dont view Christians (during the week) as scattered. Is there a bonus for adding Lead Prophet and/or Head Apostle to the title? Ezekiel 34 describes, unfortunately, false shepherds. As you said, there are clearly gifted men and women in the UK equal to the Anyabwiles and the others. One guy is not so indispensable and amazing that we need a video feed of him; it can be done by a real person in the location. But they brought back many well-researched case studies of people who were. My wife just got home from her evening shift & I put in overtime. Much of the sermon is basic storytelling. He needs a vacation, so do I from LIFE. To slightly turn the phrase, may your non-tribe increase. I have read all his books and eagerly take notes from every sermon. Im not gonna convince you, and you aint gonna persuade me. And once fully addicted to the mind-blowing joy of preaching to a captive audience, who on earth wants to grub around in the tedious undergrowth of mundane serving of others? He wont sacrifice financially. So what's the deal? Anything bursting in there makes surgery, clean up, and recovery much more extensive. Ive seen it work well. After reading your comments I was deeply discouraged, wow this man must be seriously egotistical and really has no heart for the church body. Yes, but Platt played the deep sense of calling (from God) card. Can someone explain to me how you can spend 20-25 hours a week preparing a sermon? extremely disappointing, disillusioning. Count it all joy to pay the cost and reveal His worth! "If Its Not Sex Abuse, Its Money, and Nothing Says Spend and Keep Quiet About It Like the SBCs North American Mission Board" New TWW post. I hate that. @ Gram3: This year they have got the Pied Piper and years ago they hosted Mark Driscoll. Did I miss that anywhere in this thread? I could elaborate, but the post would be too long. We do need bread from heaven we live by the Word of God; it should come from the pulpit, but God can use anyone to bring forth a word, anywhere. They will respond with worship to the created thing Idolatry. You must have T.U.L.I.P., the doctrines of grace. Yes mission is important but it is the means, not the end. He said Bill, this is Christs body, broken for you. I have NEVER had anyone do that in communion before. Christianity started around a table, not a pulpit. does david platt speech impediment. Platt, unfortunately, was merely a podcast in person. One of the commenters proceeded to lecture me on how everyone has the same 24 hours in a day and that I was just being lazy on getting my own information. I'm very upfront with my role to my church. The Youth and Family Pastor becomes Youth and Family Director when held by a female. If one is to fulfill the requirements of love, then it is not enough that God loves us but we must also love God, the first and greatest commandment. The church has completely lost its relevance. David Platts mission, whether he realizes it or not, is to make MBC a social justice church. Its like a code for the party apparatus. The suffering of self-sacrifice in this tent of meeting will produce the godly character necessary for ministry unto the LORD, and then unto others. Id say it takes me anywhere from 8-15 hours to put together a new sermon depending on my familiarity with the passage. to be more specific, they said that their insurer advised them that if they were to let anyone use their facility other than another non-profit, it could jeopardize their tax-exempt status. This gets dicey when one looks at Jesus own descriptions of the judgment, with Himself as the judge, and He spells out what people whom He knows look like in their behavior. You have a good point. A lot of these groups are, to my mind, strongly analogous to the none/done population. Will David visit me in the hospital if I am ill? Seminary professor. Throws a different light on things. They are also quite able to live in the tension where not everyone is miraculously healed. We are disgusted that its gone neo-Cal and SBC. When I attended a Sovereign Grace Church the pastors had their own small group! but then disillusioning applies to so many issues relating to this silly religion of mine. Why would people say Jesus loves me and just stop there; where is the rest of the sentence as to what that means to be loved by God? When people grasp us too strongly, either with their love or with their dependence, we are intuitively conscious that they are not looking to God, and we become paralyzed in our efforts to help them. I suggest you spend some time in your 10 hours of studying Gods word to review what is involved in being a pastor. Earlier this year,Plattwent to McLean Bible Church as in interim pastor. We are called to be like the Bereans in Acts 17:11, so the more I followed up with Davids teaching I found that he plays fast and loose with Gods word. And when we take the word pastor and make of it a title and paid formal position rather than a gifting useful for service to others (which is all it appears to be in Eph 4), and when that position is essentially that of congregational CEO who is the head motivational speaker and (hopefully benevolent) king to whom all submit (rather than submitting one to another, and ultimately, of course, to Jesus), why are we surprised when we attract to that position those who are nothing more than entrepreneurial CEOs, vapid, idiotic motivational speakers, and little kings and God-haters who demand submission? I do think ministry of the Word takes precedence over pastoral care. I look forward to reading what she has to say about the sexual abuse coverup in the church her ex-husband, Joshua was senior pastor. Just dont ask questions and pay your dues. All the Community out reach programs were killed by him. Possibly a merger of IMB and NAMB which would be useful bury several issues *and* create new opportunities. I believe this is the main reason why people desire to be where everyone knows their name, as in the tagline from the old show Cheers. Wonder what draws the short stick? In the UK there has been a complete silence from UK church leaders about Mahaney. We both know the answer, yet dont follow this when we have someone adding their own agenda. The legal profession just balks. Also surprised MBC would go for this. I met him the first time his visited this spring and he has remembered me and called me by name ever since (something akin didnt do for the 12 years we have been there.) Is he doing word studies on every single Greek word? Please dont tell me that Lon believes in Calvanismwould break my heart. to be more specific, they said that their insurer advised them that if they were to let anyone use their facility other than another non-profit, it could jeopardize their tax-exempt status. But I could be mis-understanding you. They also repeat the same series of sermons at the same time each year, and the series are the same ones that youll hear at other Arc churches. Oh, that we would prepare bread for our congregations and that the Holy Spirit would be present to illuminate the Bread! This money comes to you tax free, as you (unlike the rest of us Americans who dont have pastor or Reverend in front of our names) do not have to pay federal income tax on that portion. I do think ministry of the Word takes precedence over pastoral care. (And to be accurate, he preached only 20 of 25 weeks in his first 6 months on the job, so he has effectively had 3 months off in his first 8 months of his job.). OK, Dont let the door hit your tutu on the way out! Seriously, is this Hollywood or the church of Jesus Christ? If a merger is in the works (someone at SBC Today suggested that might be the case and was chided by a writer at SBCVoices for writing it which made me think its true) Ezell seems like the likely candidate. In Hebrew, the verb to shepherd literally means to feed. If youre a religious figure, you can designate some portion of your income (up to a certain point, please consult with your tax advisor) as compensation for housing. Is Lons final act his final rock drop by event'(tm) to take MBC, its 25,000 people and the whole of the Washington D. C. area for a dark closeted stealthy ride into Calvinisms Dystopian fake gospel? think of how useful the church facility could be to the community instead of sitting closed up 96% of the week, it could be the locale for after-school tutoring, teaching english, teaching vocational skills, job counseling, a place for performing arts, plays, concerts, meals served to homeless people. It sounds like the sort of cock-and-bull answer one often gets from a churchy type of person who isnt a Jesus type of person. He Didnt Love Being a Police Officer. David Platt ended that dream. Sadly, nothing. @ AnonInNC: 2. a person who protects, guides, or watches over a person or group of people. Those words are astonishing to anyone whos been around the SBC for years. But maybe thats just me trying to figure out how in the world the Odd Couple ever got together and why Dever sold out what he claims to believe so fervently. Those who choice encounter this suspicious and questionable phenomenon should exit this religious establishment quickly. The salary thing is often a deflection. Sounds like he has taken Thom Rainers advice. Was Peter a pastor to these souls or just a talking head? The one who dries your tears and holds your hand in the hospital and does your funeral and your weddings. (Yet Mahaney refers to the hours and hours and hours and hours and hours it takes to prepare sermon!) We need to assemble, and we need each other to live out the one anothers. Christ gave Himself for the Church. He paid it lip service in the introduction, but did not believe it as a sign of health. I think that people are more comfortable with Jesus loves me (a song) than they are with keep my commandments (a direct quote from the mouth of Jesus) and some folks find it easy to play the two off against each other in order to avoid whatever they want to avoid and take advantage of whatever they want to take advantage of. Even using the same example and telling them as if they had happened to him. But it is so much easier than getting off our collective duffs and doing our own jobs, huh? Personally, I respect organization, but my most pressing need is for substance. Not a clue. But making the pulpit and the weekly sermon the center of our spiritual lives seems odd to me. Thats a pretty sweet return for using the name of Jesus in vain for two to three hours, and the people bought his junk by the droves on that proverbial table at the back of the room by the door. Why do we continue attending fellowships that such a person presides over and wonder why things go wrong? He speaks very quietly and sometimes it is hard to make out what he is saying. I am not convinced the humility David Platt exhibits is real, considering his celebrity status and the lack of persecution from the world. I believe he is fitting in quite nicely with the harlot institutional church, using the Name of our LORD for his own personal glory. I do think that it is a poor idea to have a teaching pastor who doesnt know her or his flock, as I agree with Bridget that pastors should be driven by the Spirit to attend to the needs of the congregation. I was really moved. I think I now have the answer. How differently the Word would be preached if nobodys mortgage depended on tickling itching ears? I wonder specifically how the dream (that moves one to tears of longing) and the deep sense of calling differ. I have mentioned the FIEC network in the UK and they are selling themselves out to the Go$$$pel Coalition. Please, I prepped lesson plans for 6 math classes per day (4 different grade levels) in way, way, way less time than that! But since we were talking about why hire a teaching pastor who is already employed full-time elsewhere for only the purpose of giving sermons, and okrapod asked why cant pastors and staff be diversified. @ Hope: If it is only value-added, the world will view us as self-interested and just another organization of created things bent in upon itself. Kin Platt was the mad genius of young adult books and probably the most controversial writer for this audience in the 1970's. Incidentally, in the spirit of holding fast to that which is good, Ill choose to remember David Platt for his superb goal for England against Belgium in the 1990 World Cup finals in Italy: And why didnt Jesus, His Disciples, and His Apostles, make the big bucks and the lives of the rich and famous as we see witnessed today with the great evangelists, preachers and teachers of our day? Is it common for Calvinist pastors to preach almost word for word Piper / MacArthurs sermons on the same exact texts? Its true that not everyone likes it, but many people do. We do exactly what He said not to do, excusing it with the idea we are contextualizing it for today or that today is different than Bible times, and then get our panties in a wad when things go badly. Why are we surprised at those results when were flat begging for them? Im a liberal lefty too, and I think its high time to revamp the tax codes so that the loopholes are closed and that all non-profits (religious or no) must abide by the same rules. This discussion so far has focused on ministry unto the flock, but Leviticus is full of ministry unto the LORD. I wrote the following a few years ago: No thing compares to knowing Him. I have said for years, that the problem with many of these pastors is that they want to be Evangelists like Billy Graham, but they want the security of a permanent church. The model in the New Testament was shared leadership. Youre modeling New Testament now? What I see happening is horrifying. I find it interesting that Paul never did this, at least in his letters. He had his family and his oilfield job, and we were either adults or in families with adults. Some are completely reasonable, and some would run any old church in an area that appreciated out of town. I think there is more going on. And while Im at it, Ive been on enough church building projects to know that buildings and public meetings arent necessarily blessings. As far as the east is from the west, false Christianity makes the big bucks these days in the land of the affluent for many have bought into the belief that Jesus came to make us healthy, wealthy, and prosperous. These pastors (without quotation marks) dont double-dip or moonlight as motivational speakers and writers, or publicise themselves, or invest their time in furthering their careers by making their (quotes) churches (more quotes) into conference centres at which they can speak. David Tennant is dying to work with Aaron Sorkin. At the risk of opening up a rabbit-trail of dislike for Mr Warren, he is at any rate correct on this, and he lifts the lid on something that needs emphasising much more often than it currently is. So why do we continue supporting this made up role? And then, in adulthood, we become the teachers, the feeders ourselves? Some people like to disparage any desire for a pastor to be more than a talking head as hand holding and I do not do that either. theres no way it could really take 20-25 hrs per week!!! Im afraid Lon wanted out and this was the easy road. Keeping that statement in mind, what does he say about Platt's new role at teaching pastor? The leadership is far to often unaware of, or opposed to, the real church that sometimes begins to form. I am sure my staff are wondering why I laughed so loudly a moment ago. Then I had to remember all the sermons I had listend to and how deeply moved I was by his heart for Missions and Jesus. Stetzer: Im very upfront with my role to my church. Platt tries to have it both ways. He wants to affirm the Bibles commands and then wants to finesse allowing people into the church who vote for policies that God prohibits. Then, Platt reveals his key concernsome people might get their feelings hurt. Im a liberal lefty too, and I think its high time to revamp the tax codes so that the loopholes are closed and that all non-profits (religious or no) must abide by the same rules. (or is it just me) Like when he says Can't Keep, InsignifiCance, and a face in the Clouds; just a few examples. the name) was not even involved in the Cooperative program when he was appointed. Somewhere along the line, not some religious line but I forget just where it was taught, that Man is made of many needs. Stalling for time to make the transition. Because those are more entertaining, particularly to a TV audience. Or do you mean the Mega New Testament Church model, in which the large full-time staff are comfortably paid wages from the offering baskets of the local believers, Just like the Priests of the old Egyptian gods. In fact I sympathise with them to a certain extent, and perhaps I should do so to a greater extent insofar as they not unlike me. But does mission swamp the Church? IMB deserves a full time, fully engaged chief executive. Warning: Calvins ICR is not the true gospel of Jesus Christ, but a clever vicious lie smothering the life out of the Christian believer who seeks to embrace this incessant smoldering darkness. Its high-glycemic index gives a rush of exhilaration as it floods into the bloodstream like pure sugar. 4). __ You both nailed it to the wall! It seems to me that youre all just looking for the perfect church. (The Marriott or Hilton, I cant recall which) Dave Furman, pastor at Redeemer Church of Dubai (the sponsor of the event) went along with the charade and was one of several who were filmed with their faces blackened to hide their identity as they were interviewed. No worries, Arnold. Nice to hear that I wasnt the only one to notice this and it wasnt just my imagination. I was shocked when I saw a Facebook post about MBC being affiliated with the Southern Baptists. It so happens we know a couple hereabouts who spent several years living in Nepal indeed, but for a specific unforeseen family commitment (Im deliberately being vague as Ive not asked their permission to share their story) they might still be there. No disrespect to the multitude of honest, hard working real pastors who labor faithfully, week in and week out in normal churches with an average of 100-200 in attendance each week. Or a CEO or accountant looking at the budget and deciding youre too expensive. My problem with the tax breaks for churches and staff is they dont want government intrusion but then want to keep special exemptions. Latent Life Force: Frozen Inside Without A Voice?, Resist or get out of this infected 50(c)3 church, the spiritual life you save may very well be your own, How can you see into my eyes, like open doorsLeading you down into my coreWhere Ive become so numb, without a soulMy spirits sleeping somewhere coldUntil you find it there and lead it back home and if he doesnt, theres no reason not to create them ourselves. He isnt married in order to allow him to be the uberparent to the parish. I am surprised the IMB would go for this. My guess is most celebrity preachers do likewise. His Presence in their midst, is the witness of the Church (being not doing). MBC has a full-time administrative pastor and staff, and it seems that they are happy with Platt bringing the star power. by BEING in right relationship with Him. It took us two years in this church to feel comfortable. Folks, find a church in which you have a real pastor, not a talking head who offers nothingdifferent than apodcast Find a pastor who knows your names and will come and sit with you when you are in the hospital. Now I dont know what to do. Which is why (for me anyway) labels behave more like a fluid than a solid. The Church gathered to worship is a witness that God indwells His people. @ Dave A A: It is not a place where 1 man is in charge. Muff, yes, yeppers, yessiree everything has to be done according to the Bible. If Im not mistaken, K. Deyoung is also a competitive masters runner. It seems Billy Graham has the gift of evangelism (gifts of the Spirit to the church, Rom. I ran in a 5k on Labor Day where he won the 40-44 division. C. J. Mahaney was a promoter of toxic Calvinism for years and look what happen to those who were fed a steady diet of it at his SGM churches. But a shepherd of people he is not. He will have no administrative or pastoral duties other than simply preaching on Sunday. Most bakeries by this time will start feeling the cash flow pinch. Reminds me of our former YRR pastor who told us he didnt come here just to serve, serve, serve all the time! Still scratching my head over that one! The upper room in Jerusalem at Pentecost held a whole bunch of people and is unlikely to have been just somebodys parlor. Something feels very wrong about this transition and I am less than overwhelmed by Platt. Sorry to be so long winded but it annoys me to no end to see a ministry that I personally experienced turn into something so at least to me foreign to a Biblical standard of fellowship. Dr. said it was about to go, but he got it out without the mess. *looks skyward, whistles*. We should do so, so the table is still valid, but so is the pulpit if governments/culture allows. This is a predicate. Yes, Hug. Theyre not, but thats not really the point here. How to Resign from a Church +++++++++++++++++++++++. The local church has an indirect impact in that it can serve as a place of training, fellowship, etc. The same is true for many ARC churches. These pastors do a lot of fund raising in the USA, selling themselves as making a huge impact on the muslim world for the cause of Christ. April 2004. The big boys all use research services to do the heavy lifting. But it has come at the cost of ministry (unto the LORD, tent of meeting). MBC needs to pray for discernment and examine Davids teachings. WebDavid Platt Introduction: David Platt, The disciples world had just been rocked when Jesus turned their thinking up-side down about what makes someone clean. Small fellowships are well and good, but you darn well better get your fanny in a seat to hear the pastor preach on a regular basis, or else youre doin it wrong. I happen to know his income will almost double. With the IMB and the NAMB and 9Marks and ERLC there, it sure looks like there will be political consolidation in D.C. of what used to be known as the SBC. That probably should have clued me in to the fact that things were unhealthy there. Surely the pastor should be praying and asking God what He wants the pastor to say to this particular congregation in this particular moment? Or do you mean the Mega New Testament Church model, in which the large full-time staff are comfortably paid wages from the offering baskets of the local believers (believers that they must manage). He may well love all but he has said that not all survive the judgment. Or do you mean the Mega New Testament Church model, in which the large full-time staff are comfortably paid wages from the offering baskets of the local believers (believers that they must manage) especially the ones who are sharing leadership with them on a non-paid basis, fitting it around the hours they work to earn money to live. We always sit in the back and still do. What I would say is, if you ever find the perfect church, dont join youll spoil it. He has bigger things to do. Dont know. So while I dislike Platts platitudes in general, Ive no problem with him supply preaching for the church. My guess is he travels around and give speeches. Yeah, I have had to have church at home on three different occasions in life. @ Sopwith: everyone who knows the Lord has a calling to the ministry, all of us are high priests, and every calling is of utmost importance. Problem is Jesus shepherded in another fashion and ran off when people wanted him to be a celebrity. The produce being sold includes commercial growers, according to the signs on their pickup trucks. It can be a thing that is delegated, or passed out to certain members, or committees or staff. It is the body of Christ. His view was that too many immature Christians are going overseas and they cause lots of problems. What does this mean? It certainly wasn't dealing with parents extreme mental illness for 30 years, health problems of both sets of departed parents raising my sister when we had a new baby and the teenage junk she put us thu, it certainly wasn't when my husband lost the use of arm to a accident and spent a year at p.t , it certainly wasn't when my accident caused me a bum leg and I still do my housework dragging it around. Preaching is fun. While Platt will not be able to repeatedly use a handful of go to sermons at his church he will be able to utilize his notes from years of preaching at The Church at Brook Hills., While Platt may not technically be drawing a salary from McLean Bible Church my guess is that in a church of that size there are some wealthy members who are providing some sort of financial renumeration to Platt. Uk church leaders about Mahaney the IMB would go for this being with! I from LIFE supply preaching for the church of Jesus Christ mission, whether he realizes or! 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does david platt have a speech impediment