AI emperors will assign nations they have good relations with, and that are the dominant religion in the empire. And you can't add non core provinces to the HRE. All trademarks are property of their respective owners in the US and other countries. If this last rule is not met the Diet will never be called and you will be disallowed to pass any reforms indefinitely, hence stop wars with those electors to ensure the truce expires. Electors no longer vote, though they retain Elector status. This event ends the leagues if they had formed. The Empire will renounce their claim on swiss territory, Switzerland is in a defensive war together with the Emperor, Switzerland is in an offensive war together with the Emperor, The Netherlands is at war with the Emperor of the HRE, AI is 50 times more likely to choose this option if it is, The HRE will sign a Treaty of Religious Peace, An Emperor that is reduced to 1 Province or with less than -50 warscore against a, AI is 100 times more likely to choose this option if it is, AI will never choose this option if it is, Declare war on a non-HRE ally of the HRE member you want to conquer and don't name the HRE member as a co-belligerent, Use Enforce Peace, Proclaim Guarantee or possibly Great Power intervention to join a war involving an HRE member, Get yourself or an ally attacked by an HRE member, Vassalize diplomatically instead (difficult, as members get negative reasons to accept vassalization), Attack while the Emperor can't accept a call to arms (e.g. #3. Without Emperor, there are no reform types, and only eight reforms are available: Call for Reichsreform, Institute Reichsregiment, Reform the Hofgericht, Enact Gemeiner Pfennig, Ewiger Landfriede, Proclaim Erbkaisertum, Revoke The Privilegia, Renovatio Imperii. Common Sense: If the empire has no official faith yet, regardless of the faith of the electors, the Peace of Westphalia is declared. Refusing a demand for unlawful territory will reduce relations with all HRE members by 25 and give the emperor an Imperial Liberation casus belli against the target. Cookie Notice The imperial authority growth modifier increases the gained imperial authority from all sources: If the Emperor has a female heir he can, under certain conditions take the decision that in the future women can become empress. It would be intolerable if our dynasty should lose their hold on the crown they worked so hard to acquire due to a mere technicality. This page was last edited on 28 February 2023, at 15:49. I have seen a lot of these posts but most of them are old. Form Scandinavia and revoke the privilegia of the Holy Roman Empire while being the Emperor. Since vassal's development counts equally, releasing provinces to vassals can not help in adding provinces or joining the HRE. could we get discipline instead?) Take the country's new capital and the capital will move a second time. We will accept the Teutonic Order to join without any conditions. Archived post. Electors may vote for non-members of the HRE too. The Emperor suffers a relations hit (10 which is cumulative up to 100) with other Princes with the heretic religions of all denominations. I once had an independent Corfu and Cyprus join when I was Emperor as France and the message said "rumour has it they fear the French" so who knows with that one. Centralization and decentralization reforms, meanwhile, are mutually exclusive, unlocked after passing the reform Perpetual Diet, and either unite the HRE into a unified state or empower individual princes. Rename the shortcut to "Hre Dismantle". Also note that as of March 2021, there is now a subscription option available for EU4's DLC library, which will net you access to everything for a monthly fee - more on that below. If the religious leagues are not triggered in the HRE before 1625 or if the leagues form, but the war is not declared for 30 years, the event The Diet of $CAPITAL_CITY$ can happen for the emperor and declare Catholicism the official faith of the empire. exe" and select "Create Shortcut". Using the console command "mapmode aihre" you can see some of how the ai evaluates this decision. I have numerous vassals, and have released nations, who I would like to join the HRE. If the Elector is a vassal of any country other than the Emperor or the war leader, it is "independent. Electors are incredibly protective of their sovereignty and are unlikely to vote for a nation that has an elector as its vassal. If you passed the third reform "Absolute Reichsstabilitt", you get a CB with which you can force countries to join. Note that THEIR opinion of me is less than 144 (edit: now over 144). The papal states can join via an incident which gets triggered by the event. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. ): Of these, Holstein is a vassal of a non-member (Denmark), Brabant and Holland are in a personal union under a non-member (Burgundy), and Lorraine is in a personal union under a non-member (Provence). Members can only remove provinces from the HRE by leaving the HRE, which removes all core provinces. This is usually around Central Europe, but can be moved if need be. The first way is for small nations. The emperor prefers small princes, as they fear large ones will only vote for themselves and take the Emperorship. Or just annex and keep, lol. This applies even if the owner is a member of the HRE. They'll retain that title most of the time unless they lose the Religious League War. Bologna, almost always joins if they get high enough relations with the emperor, so other countries in the same position like to also. Best. 2023 FandomSpot Is the capital moving back to the HRE'd province always a guarantee? Only Protestant countries are eligible to be league leader, this excludes other denominations entirely (e.g. Hungary and Burgundy are two examples. thanks! Or you can just wait the usual ten years, annex them, and add the land that way. simply the existence of the religious leagues will disallow the Emperor to enact any reform). The capital of the released country needs to be in an HRE province. So it requires (100 + 72 + 13 + 53+ 45 + 34 = ) 317 opinion from the Emperor, ergo Burgundy can only join the HRE after losing some provinces and/or subjects (or in its specific case through the event "Imperial Entrance" triggered by its mission tree). It is also possible to leave by moving the capital to a non-HRE province; however, this cannot be done manually, but can happen by losing the capital or some events. From these Princes, up to seven are Prince-Electors, who vote on which Prince will be the next Holy Roman Emperor upon the death of the previous one. Privacy Policy. An empire without electors but with an eligible emperor turns hereditary and can not be dismantled (The Erbkaisertum reform is not passed by this however). Authority has become centered in faraway Denmark, and the many conflicts with Lbeck and the Hanseatic cities have been quite costly. A place to share content, ask questions and/or talk about the grand strategy game Europa Universalis IV by Paradox Development Studio. This makes them more likely to win the Imperial election. The HRE emperor may request the owner of unlawful territory to return the province to an HRE member that has a Core on it (note this may not be its original owner). Whether you are a member of the HRE or not, if you are Christian the Emperor will demand back non-core provinces in the HRE you conquer. By default the player opposes them. If an outside power conquers the target province, the emperor gains a claim on the province. ", If the Elector is a vassal of the war leader against the Emperor, it is "not independent. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. Eu4 vs Real Life: What things were totally What's the most territory you've ever taken in one war? i was an elector but still removed from the HRE upon forming netherlands, maybe i was to big to be a member as thats why it says i couldnt rejoin. Dismantling the HRE can be achieved very fast by advanced players. From the 15th century on, except for a handful of years under the house of Wittelsbach (during the early years of the reign of Archduchess Maria Theresa) the Emperor was from the House of Habsburg or Habsburg-Lorraine, the rulers of Austria and many other European nations. After you pass the third reform, you'll get a CB you can use to force them in. The Emperor of the HRE: If Emperor is enabled: The Imperial incident "The Burgundian Inheritance (Alone)" begins. The Catholic League will begin with the current Emperor at the head, any subsequently elected emperor will automatically assume leadership of the Catholic league, even if they had previously been neutral or part of the Protestant League. However, the HRE usually disintegrates before that can happen. This is the only way for a Orthodox, Coptic, Hussite, or Anglican ruler to become emperor and the second of the two ways for a Reformed ruler to become emperor. For too long we have suffered under the tyrant heel of the nobility. Googling around I also found bits of information about the country needing to be threatened, but there's no mention of it on the wiki. on Paradox technology, Legal The Pragmatic Sanction, solemnly rendered by Emperor $EMPERORNAME$ on [GetDateText], established the indivisability of his lands and established succession by order of first born child, even to a woman. These values can be found in, /Europa Universalis IV/common/defines.lua, Last edited on 28 February 2023, at 15:49, Static modifiers#States in the Holy Roman Empire, Static modifiers#Free Cities in the Holy Roman Empire,, Play The conditions that affect how electors vote are: You can check the current electors and who theyre voting for in the HRE UI. The Peace of Westphalia also disables any religion-based casus belli such as "Cleansing of Heresy" between Christians inside the Empire. They also need to feel threatened by another country. The capital of the released country needs to be in an HRE province. Once the Emperor has a high enough positive opinion of you, you can click on the Join HRE button in the HRE UI. All Catholic monarchies with an adult ruler are eligible to become the Emperor, even if theyre not an HRE member. At the bottom left the "Join HRE" button will be selectable if "the Capital can be connected to the Empire" by bordering an HRE province via land connection (the capital doesnt need to directly border the HRE, but the nation must own all provinces between its capital and the HRE), or shared sea tile, and the nation is 1) the Emperor, or 2) the Emperor has an opinion of it of at least: For example, in 1444 Venice has 147 development. If target country refuse the Demand, Holy Roman Empire loses 1 Imperial Authority. Press the up or down arrow keys to traverse through previously executed commands. Historically, Emperor Charles VI, who had no male heirs, issued it in 1713 to provide for the succession of his daughter Maria Theresa, which nonetheless led to a succession war in 1740 (the War of the Austrian Succession). Additionally, the Emperor may core any province within the Empire, even if it's out of coring range or inaccessible. Thank you in advance. Austria is the Emperor at the start of the game. Note: This is ONLY to be used to report spam, advertising, and problematic (harassment, fighting, or rude) posts. Friendly status or being allied gives +10, relations give up to +20 and each point of diplomatic reputation give +3. If the target refuses to convert peacefully, the Emperor suffers a prestige hit and gains a casus belli against the target. Opinion is capped at 200. Emperors, once chosen, serve for life. Any Free City that loses its status becomes an Oligarchic Republic. They are rightful subjects of [dutch_revolt_country.GetName]. If you want to be the Emperor, you should undermine Austria at every possible opportunity. There are many expansions that are situational, and our best advice is to look at what a pack offers, and decide if it's a part of the game you're going to be spending a lot of time in sooner rather than later. Compared to earlier centuries, when the Emperor wielded more control over his territory, the Empire by the EU4 timeframe had become greatly decentralized, and its member states acted with great autonomy. How long does claim throne CB last eu4? These can be multiple wars. Succeeding to liberate the prince will result in an imperial authority bonus. Free Cities get a special republican government, a bonus to tax income and will always be able to call in the Emperor when they are attacked, even in internal HRE wars. It also does not want to join if the nation it evaluates for this is already a member of the HRE, even if some other non-hre nation might have the appropriate threat/strength levels, it seems to choose whichever nation it finds most threatening, and it seems to give preference to rivals and nations with cores or claims, for instance, Dauphine might evaluate for its rival Savoy instead of France, if France has no claim/core on its territory, even if it feels threatened by France. If done right, uniting the HRE can be fun and rewarding, and will additionally net the player the "A Kaiser not just in name" achievement if playing on Ironman. It considered itself to be the spiritual successor state to the Roman Empire, even though throughout the majority of its existence it never directly controlled Papal Rome (and also despite, up to 1453, the continued existence of the Eastern Roman Empire and until the late 15th century of various Byzantine holdout states such as Trebizond, Theodoro, etc.). Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Take the country's new capital and the capital . Alternatively it is possible to add all elegible Provinces at once via the HRE interface. The acceptance of the request depends on the target nation's opinion of and attitude towards the Emperor, the Emperor's diplomatic reputation and prestige, the target nation's number of provinces and whether the target is an Elector. If you have Emperor dlc, you can use "expand empire" cb to add new nations. The Emperor has the following powers and duties: Available from the Holy Roman Empire interface, the Emperor can call for a vote on an Imperial Reform. Cookie Notice At the start of the game, the Free Imperial Cities are: As with electors, the empire functions properly with them at their max number. An emperor can only be selected from candidates that are: For the current emperor, their heir must fulfill the conditions instead. They need to be 200 dev maximum, for sure. Friedrich III von Habsburg of Austria starts the game, in 1444, as Emperor. How to Dismantle the Hre in Eu4 Step 1: Find the section of the map that contains the most provinces with high development. The AI can do whatever it wants, lol. The Great Peasants' War must be brought to an end, with either the peasantry or the nobility emerging as the victor in this conflict. Any european nation may join either league, regardless of religion, including states outside the Empire, and even if they have a truce with the Emperor. Even if the player did everything right and made it this far by being nice and defending any and all princes (even the ones who insulted and backstabbed the emperor for centuries), it's quite likely the player will actually be weaker after uniting the empire since HRE bonuses are lost upon enacting the decision. First one, no. In order to dismantle the HRE, it is necessary to be at war against the Emperor, occupy the Emperor's capital, and have none of the Electors as "independent." in the event, The Emperor of the HRE selected the option 'This matter requires deliberation.' Become an elector in the HRE as a country which does not start as elector. For example, If you are France with a rival England, if East Frisia likes you and feels threatened by England will add himself to HRE. If any league war lasts a long time (25 years), or if it ends in a peace that does not involve either side securing the "Religious Supremacy" peace term, the Peace of Westphalia is signed, ending the religious war and allowing any Christian to be elected emperor. The HRE is more of an obstacle for your ambitions because some free cities are protected by the Emperor, and all the land costs more AE. It seems to compare the threat level and relative strength of one particular nation that it feels threatened by, which need to be greater than 300-(2*(HRE Imperial Authority)) for threat level (maximum 400) and less than (HRE Imperial Authority)/2 for relative strength (as a percentage). If a third party (including rebels) takes one of the allied/vassalized Elector capital, the Elector is "independent" again. Non-electors forming nations results in those nations leaving the HRE, unless they are the emperor or an elector (e.g. A common strategy when playing as Austria and having revoked the privilegia is to rotate between targets. Whether an Elector is counted as "independent" is not determined by whether they are independent or subject nations. As it is somewhat of a running theme with 1.35, another mechanic of the old EU4 has returned once again, though this time it is a little bit different. If anyone has some suggestions I would like to hear. The Electors are the nations that vote for the next Emperor. Here are your options: Attack an Ally - The same trick you employ on free cities. Attacking the surrounding major countries will keep the player's army and navy tradition high and allow him/her to recruit better and better generals as time progresses. There are always 7 HRE electors. As a frustrated otter who dreams of getting published, Louie instead wastes his life cuddling his cats. Once youre the Emperor, the Join HRE button in the HRE UI will become clickable. Does Italy simply refuse to rejoin the HRE once left? However, this is too random and luck based for you to work. First, if you get a Personal Union over an elector and then inherit the elector, you get their status (this does not work for non-HRE nations, as the elector is simply removed instead). But it generates AE. On the death or disqualification of the current emperor, the electors choose a replacement from within the Christian world, with the exact eligible denominations determined by the outcome of religious league wars. If the Emperor releases a vassal within HRE territory as an Imperial Prince, the newly released vassal will not count towards diplomatic upkeep either. I'm thinking probably Saxony, Bavaria, or Switzerland. Should I just start annexing an releasing vassals? This is a method to force large nations into becoming members of the HRE. Its even s struggle to get Bologna to join from the start. PS. Beware, however, that non-HRE vassal will still take into account the strength of HRE vassals (as that of other vassals), which can lead to a sudden rise in non-HRE vassal's liberty desire when the reform is passed. With the console command "mapmode aihre," you can look at how the computer weighs the threat and strength of a country before it can join the empire. You can also view the status of your candidacy by hovering over the electors coat of arms. It is still possible for princes to end up at war as a result of honoring alliances with non-members or intervening in succession wars. Force the country to move it's capital into the HRE. The emperor will receive a call to war as a co-belligerent if you attack a Free City, attack a member as a non-member, or attack a member with no casus belli. The Emperor gains a casus belli against nations that annexed a member state, with the goal to liberate the said prince. I was made aware of this trick/exploit by bbqftw's WC AAR (https://www.redd. The opinion of the nation that was under attack will increase by +10 because of the honored alliance relation boost. A nation liberated after this reform, however, will not automatically become the Emperor's vassal. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. This relationship bonus will disappear if the country stops being emperor. they are joining pretty rarely and usually only if they have 1-3 provinces. The second is to be assigned by the emperor. Thus, if the player wants to become an elector they must either inherit one, or be the dominant religion, same religion as the emperor, have good relations with the emperor, and be small. Appointing an elector gives a +50 relations boost with the new elector. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. Also should the North Italian region not be entirely in the HRE by 1490 the Italian states will leave through the "Shadow Kingdom" event. You need high IA and high DipRep overall. However that will of course mean you get AE for both provinces in the peace deal. Each of them can be clicked on, which will bring up the diplomatic interface to examine and interact with that nation. This reform is easy to pass, as all the remaining HRE states are now vassals and will usually vote for it. Yes, the last patch made it very unlikely for nations to voluntarily join the HRE. There are several ways to improve another nations opinion of you. If they decide to attack a member of the Empire, the, AI will always choose this option if it has a, Prussia must choose between their false crown and their status as an Imperial Prince, AI will always choose this option if one of its, AI is 10 times more likely to choose this option if. Development of subjects within the Germanic culture group must be calculated without the 0.5 multiplier. According to the wiki, the claim throne CB is valid "until the target country produces an heir with a strong claim or a new heir rises to the throne or the royal marriage is ended".I just claimed Austria's throne, and between that, breaking our alliance, and reformation opinion maluses, they broke our royal marriage. That same game Austria was able to vassalize Hungary diplomatically (I was playing as Spain). It was last verified for, Please help with verifying or updating this table. Unless it fulfils at least one of the criteria below for selecting an outcome, the remaining outcomes are, Every province in the France Region that is owned by, Every province in the HRE that is owned by, Demand that the Lowlands be released as Princes of the HRE, The Emperor will support the Independence of, AI will always choose this option if it has one of the following, it is a neighbor of Burgundy but not allied to Burgundy. Its Francien vassal Nevers has 27 development; its Germanic personal unions Brabant, Holland and Flanders have 53, 45 and 34 development respectively. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. Current member AI states that are the Emperor will add provinces to the Empire provided that they border or share a sea zone with provinces which are already part of the HRE, the province religion is any denomination of Christianity, the nation has a core on the province, and the province is in Europe. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. If Art of War is enabled, consider designating your HRE vassals as marches if you don't need their territory and have a strong economy, as it will lower their liberty desire (so you can feed them even more), and strengthen their military abilities, making the swarm even more unstoppable. Appointing an Elector ( e.g as all the remaining HRE states are now vassals and will vote... Content, ask questions and/or talk about the grand strategy game Europa Universalis IV Paradox. The existence of the HRE interface vote for the next Emperor as Austria having... 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eu4 how to get countries to join hre