The characters Uncle Vernon, Aunt Petunia and Dudley Dursley appeared in the entire film franchise, portrayed by Richard Griffiths, Fiona Shaw and Harry Melling, respectively. However, by 1995 after he was attacked by Umbridges dementors, Dudley had taken up boxing and weight lifting, and lost a great deal of weight. Dudley was even mentioned in Harry Potter and the Cursed Child when he sent Harry his old baby blanket. You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. We know they went under the Order's protection at the start of book 7. Harry was much shorter than Dudley, so Dudley could easily hurt Harry, although Harry was often faster than Dudley. After they entered the house, Harry tried to explain what had happened. Dudley Dursley felt the cold grip of the dementor on his neck, even if he couldn't see it. The Dursley family, also known as the Dursleys, are minor antagonists in the Harry Potter franchise. [6], By the summer of 1994, Dudley had grown so large that the school outfitters at Smeltings Academy did not stock knickerbockers big enough for him anymore; he had reached roughly the size and weight of a baby killer whale. 1 What happened to Dudley after the Dementor attack? Protective Dudley Dursley Protective Harry Potter Protective Hermione Granger Hermione's Parents are the best Harry Potter is a somewhat normal person. Harry's stag Patronus saved them from being kissed,[14] but Dudley, confused by what had happened, pinned the blame for the attack on his cousin, as he could not see the Dementors. After thinking on his situation for a moment, Harry sat down and began, as calmly as possible, to explain everything to the Dursleys now that they were listening. Vernon, Petunia, and Dudley have proven time and time again they care little for Harry's wellbeing. Melling's weight loss became symbolic of a fresh beginning for his acting career around the time Deathly Hallows Part 1 was released. [2], On the hottest day of the year, 2 August, Harry had spent the day out of 4 Privet Drive roaming the streets per usual. Kara has always had a love for horror ever since she started watching it at too young of an age. Originally Answered: In Harry Potter, could Dudleys kids become witches or wizards? The presents include a racing bike and a second television. Movie News, Movie Trailers & upcoming Movie Reviews, The Leading Source for Gaming News, Reviews, and Interviews, Harry Potter: Why Dudley Was Almost Recast After Order of the Phoenix, What Happened To The Dursleys After Harry Potter Ended, Harry Potter: Why J.K. Rowlings Original Ending For Dudley Was Better. Harry Potter's aunt and uncle met at work. When Vernon left the kitchen to collect the post, Dudley stole his grapefruit quarter. Dudley knew he was a wizard and he had said some things that made him mad and struck a nerve but he never thought Harry could do something like this. [6], Between 1985 and 1990, Aunt Marge spent Christmas at Privet Drive. Dudley pressed his nose against the glass and asked his father to make the snake wake up. Dudley had watery blue eyes and thick blond hair. Piers tattled on Harry saying that he had seen him talking to the snake. Jeremy Renner has left hospital and returned home after being involved in a serious accident on New Year's Day. As the snake uncoiled itself and slithered off, Dudley and Piers ran away, screaming. Housing Harry Potter It was after Lord Voldemort 's first downfall and the Potters's murder that Vernon first saw signs of wizards. His tongue was more than four feet long before the Dursleys allowed Mr Weasley to shrink it. : Blue Peter (cBBC) Interview with J. K. Rowling, 12 March, 2001, It is never made clear if Dudley was aware of Harry being a wizard before the latter read his Hogwarts letter. He took to whacking everyone and everything within reach with this stick, which became extremely annoying to Harry. [6], Immediately upon landing, Harry began to tell anyone who would listen that Lord Voldemort had returned. I don't think you're a waste of space.Dudley's farewell to his cousin Harry Potter. [8], When Vernon and Petunia gave Dudley's second bedroom to Harry, Dudley threw a temper tantrum, claiming that he needed the room. Kara has always had a love for horror ever since she started watching it at too young of an age. In an attempt to further discredit Harry, Cornelius Fudge changed both the time and location of Harry's hearing hoping he would miss it. As for other franchises, Kara's favorite OG Avenger is Thor, and her favorite Disney Princess is Leia Organa. Can my 13 year old choose to live with me? In the fourth movie, they do not appear because it skips along to where Harry is . Even though Dudley was unable to acknowledge their presence, the creatures were able to manipulate his mind. What is Howler in Harry Potter? [8], Within a week, 24 or more letters arrived for Harry; Dudley wondered who on Earth would want to talk to Harry so badly. In Dudley's adult life, he got married and became a father of two. what happened to dudley dursley after the dementorscurved home theater seating. This led to him regretting his treatment of Harry and his later attempts at reconciliation. [11], In the early hours of the next morning, Dudley was dumbfounded when he and his parents witnessed Harry's escape with Fred, George, and Ron Weasley in their father's flying Ford Anglia. Before they could hurry off, the saleswoman asked Harry what he would like, then Vernon and Petunia were forced to buy Harry a cheap lemon ice lolly, although he seemed to like it regardless. Please help to improve this article by introducing more precise citations. Please watch: "The Life Of Marius de Romanus (Vampire Chronicles)" --~--What happened to Dudley Dursley after the. After his dementor attack, Dudley supposedly sees himself clearly for the first time, and what a horrible person he is. But where was that? ( PS2) 'Thirty-six,' he said, looking up at his mother and father. Melling went on to star in the TV series, Merlin, in 2010 before acquiring roles inThe Lost City of Z,The Ballad of Buster Scruggs,andThe Keeperin addition to theatre work. They removed him from the Wizengamot, and he was replaced as Supreme Mugwump of the International Confederation of Wizards. He was stout and rude because of his folks ruining him all through his life as a youngster, despite the fact that he became strong in his teenagers. However, by 1995 after he was attacked by Umbridge's dementors, Dudley had taken up boxing and weight lifting, and lost a great deal of weight. Founded by Albus Dumbledore to fight Lord Voldemort and his followers, the Death Eaters, the Order lends its name to the fifth book of the series, Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix . [13], As the Weasleys returned to the Burrow through the Floo Network, Fred "accidentally" dropped numerous sweets in brightly coloured wrappers on the floor, knowing Dudley would eat one of them. After trying to reason out why Dementors would be in Little Whinging, Uncle Vernon told Harry to leave the house believing that Harry was endangering his family, but Dumbledore sent Aunt Petunia a Howler reminding her of the promise she made to take care of her nephew. Harry won the battle of wills and recalled ghastly figures of Voldemort's most recent victims from Voldemort's wand. [13], 'Don't kill Cedric!' After rumours of Lord Voldemort's return and the increased paranoia of Cornelius Fudge, Umbridge set two dementors on Harry Potter and his cousin Dudley Dursley in Little Whinging in an attempt to get him expelled from Hogwarts for use of magic outside of school. In 1995, he faced . What happened to Dudley Dursley after the Dementors? At the entrance, his parents bought him and Piers large chocolate ice creams. Dudley was the only child of Vernon and Petunia Dursley. Dudley Dursley (born 23 June, 1980) was the Muggle son of Vernon and Petunia Dursley and cousin of Harry Potter. As the Dementor took hold of Harry and forced him against the wall, it tried to administer the Kiss that would end him and Dudley, Harry thought of Ron and Hermione. Next:Harry Potter: Why J.K. Rowlings Original Ending For Dudley Was Better. However, he was still described as "vast as ever", but it was implied that his bulk was more muscle than fat because of the boxing. That night, the Dursleys (sans Harry) hosted a dinner party for clients of Vernon's the Masons. He would roam the streets with his gang, vandalising public property, taking up smoking and terrorising younger children. The Order of the Phoenix is a secret organisation in the Harry Potter series of fiction books written by J. K. Rowling. [16], The best that can be said is that he has at least escaped the appalling damage you have inflicted upon the unfortunate boy sitting between you.Albus Dumbledore's damning assessment of Vernon and Petunia's spoiling of Dudley. Petunia Evans, forever embittered by the fact that her parents seemed . [6], During their years together at St. Grogory's Primary School, Dudley frequently chose Harry as his favourite target with the help of his friends. Despite ignoring the fact that Harry was a wizard, the Dursleys were forced to come to terms with their connection to the wizarding world. Kara Hedash is a Jr. Lead Editor and writer for the Features team at Screen Rant. Recognising the signs, Harry asked Dudley to shut up so he could listen for their approach, but Dudley continued to shout away believing Harry to be causing the darkness and the misery surrounding him. Then, Dudley realized that it couldn't be Harry, he was trying to do . Although reluctantly, Vernon and Petunia allowed him into their home. I'm interested to see where this new aspect on life took him, and when he ended up doing for a job. [1], Desperate to escape the Dursleys, Harry began to head for the stairs. We use cookies on our website to give you the most relevant experience by remembering your preferences and repeat visits. Immediately after, he turned his head to the side, stared at Harry who was about to get closer, and roared through his teeth: "Put it away! And there you go, youve got rid of a dementor. The Muggles became the guardians of their nephew, Harry Potter, after the death of the boy's parents at the hands of Dark Wizard, Lord Voldemort. The Dursleys couldn't control a drunk Marge not being a piece of shit, the twins were still testing their products, Umbridge would have still sent Dementors after Harry and Dumbledore would have still come to pick up Harry (albeit nothing bad happened to them in book 6). Harry Potter and the Order of the PhoenixDolores Umbridge admitting to having ordered the attack, This attack in Little Whinging occurred on 2 August 1995 after the Ministry of Magic insisted that the Return of the Dark Lord never occurred, during the summer of 1995. Do you think maybe she could have undergone a transformation like Dudley's? Dudley Dursley (born 23 June, 1980) was the Muggle son of Vernon and Petunia Dursley and cousin of Harry Potter. what happened to dudley dursley after the dementors However, Harry did see Dudley again. [18], We had to write an essay about our hero at school, Mr Mason, and I wrote about you.Dudley being paid to flatter the Masons when they arrive for dinner, Dudley was an unpleasant and spoiled child. But opting out of some of these cookies may affect your browsing experience. However, since he was said to avoid being in the same room with Harry after the truth was said, it can be assumed that Vernon and Petunia never told him. Though he primarily felt the attack, Dudley was also forced to see a version of himself that he didn't like. Deutsch; what happened to dudley dursley after the dementors May 29, 2022 . It stood to reason that at least 2 out of 3 could be bludgeoned out of him. After graduating college, writing began as a part-time hobby for Kara, but it quickly turned into a career. As Harry and Dumbledore leave, Dumbledore told the Dursleys that in summer 1997 that they have to evacuate their house to protect themselves from becoming the victims of Lord Voldemort and Death Eaters. Harry summoned the stag which was cantering around behind him and ordered it after the Dementor atop Dudley. He and his gang often tormented Harry, taking after the example set by his parents, as well as other weaker and younger children in their . [7], With no other option, the Dursleys reluctantly took Harry with them to the zoo for Dudley's birthday (because they could not legally leave him home alone). When his friend Piers Polkiss arrived, he ceased his act immediately. Harry Melling portrayed the spoiled cousin of the central characterstarting in 2001's Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone, the first film in the franchise. [9] In the school holiday of 1994, he received a dismal school report from Smeltings Academy, which included very poor academic results as well as reports of bullying others. In addition, his parents probably did not want him to believe in. After the death of James and Lily Potter, baby Harry was forced to live with his only known relatives, the Dursley family. Dudley was born around 23 June 1980,[1] about five weeks before his cousin Harry Potter. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. So it seems everyone's talking about the lives of most of the Wizards/Witches post-Hogwarts, but it just occurred to me that I don't really know what happened to the Dursleys. Contents show 1 Why did the dementors attack Harry and Who Set The Dementors On Harry And Dudley? The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Analytics". Dudley Dursley/Spouse Her favorite slasher icon is Ghostface, but Michael Myers still gives her nightmares. Dementors leech away happiness and feed off people's emotions, forcing them to re-live their worst memories, like Harry hearing his mothers screams, and begging Voldemort before her death. Recognising the signs, Harry asked Dudley to shut up so he could listen for their approach, but Dudley continued to shout away believing Harry to be causing the darkness and the misery surrounding him. He was obese and insolent as a result of his parents spoiling him throughout his childhood, although he became muscular in his teens. He heard someone Disapparate, and pulled his wand out, standing up to find the source of the noise. This was an extremely painful but ultimately salutary lesson and began the transformation in him. On 31 July, Dudley taunted Harry about not receiving any birthday presents from his friends. Did Dudley have a magical child? Putting the two stories together, Dumbledore decided that there was irrefutable evidence that Lord Voldemort had returned.[8]. Upon landing, the pair drew wands in the face of this new development. This may have had something to do with his weight problem. In 1994, he had "reached the size and weight of a young killer whale"[13] somewhere between 265 and 353 pounds. Vernon was constantly complaining about lack of security and punishment, stating that hanging was the only way to handle people like Black. This boy, Dudley Dursley, was highly spoiled by his parents. [17], Dad I'm going with these Order people.Dudley accepting protection from the Order of the Phoenix, When Dudley was attacked by the Dementors he saw himself, for the first time, as he really was. They indulged their son with treats and activities both out of blind adoration for the boy and as a means of emphasising to Harry what he was missing. Fudge also changed its format to a full criminal trial in front of the full Wizengamot. The Dementors only target Harry specifically at the end of the book when one Dementor steps away from the rest and decides to give him the kiss due to him getting in the way of capturing Sirius. 2. This changed after Harry saved Dudley from a pair of dementors that attacked them during the summer of 1995. He shuddered again and shook his large blond head, and despite the sense of numb dread that had settled on Harry since the arrival of the first owl, he felt a certain curiosity. 2020 was a big year for British actor Harry Melling,. And they'd most certainly definitely have to go into hiding in book 7. Harry Melling portrayed Dudley Dursely since 2001's Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone but the role was almost recast a few films later. The Dursleys treating Harry Potter as a servant Between 1985 and 1990, Aunt Marge spent Christmas at Privet Drive. After Dudley realized what could have happened if the Dementors got him and Harry saved him, Dudley started to change. At lunch time, Dudley had a temper tantrum because his knickerbocker glory was not big enough, as there was "not enough" ice cream on it: his father bought him another one and Harry was allowed to finish the first one though only because it would be a huge waste to throw out.[7]. "Let me see! When he rolled over, he felt the presence of a second Dementor approaching him from behind. I also wonder about Petunia. Instinctively, he said "Lumos", and his wand lit inches from his hand. When so many letters for Harry arrived, Vernon, having had enough, told the family to get ready to leave. While Vernon consistently praised his son as if he was extremely masculine and robust, Petunia infantilised Dudley, calling him "Diddykins" well in to his teen years, appearing heartbroken to have to put Dudley on a much-needed diet and even bursting into tears when Dudley showed marginal affection for Harry. From the hall, Dudley yelled that Harry had received another letter. I'm interested to see where this new aspect on life took him, and when he ended up doing for a job. He was forced to turn around when his Uncle Vernon demanded to know what happened to his son. Lord Voldemort, Death Eaters. When Harry pretended that he was going to set a bush on fire by saying pretend magic words, Dudley ran to his mother, frightened. Reply:It happened on pg 40 in OOTP, after Harry and Dudley were attacked by the dementors, Vernon was yelling "get out" and wanted to kick Harry out of their house, he was tired of all the owls, the magic, and now his son's attack.I thought the words, "remember my last", referred to Lilly's last request to her sister. Manage all your favorite fandoms in one place! ) hosted a dinner party for clients of Vernon 's the Masons on our website give... And when he sent Harry his old baby blanket after the dementors However, Harry to... D most certainly definitely have to go into hiding in book 7 shorter Dudley! The dementorscurved home theater seating up to find the source of the International Confederation of wizards 's! Was obese and insolent as a part-time hobby for kara, but it quickly turned into career! Petunia allowed him into their home watching it at too young of an age the cookie is used to the! Think maybe she could have happened if the dementors attack Harry and his wand out, up! 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