Saga (2) wild cherry (3) yarrow (4) hysop. Please what is the Yoruba name for Pls its so urgent. Pls, what is the Yoruba name for green tea? Pls in yoruba omisinmisin is of two type, Omisinmisin gogoro and Omisinmisin itakun ; pls which one is Licorise out of the two, Licorise (Licorice) has the latin name Glycyrrhiza glabra and in Yoruba is called likorisi ni. May I know the local name for Persica seed, sage weed is called kiriwi or obatala or babaliaye, Please, what are the Yoruba names of the following herbs/plants? You may pls give the Yoruba name(s) of the following life saving plants : Your email address will not be published. Your write up here rings so true, and sure is spot on. 8, no. Pls,what is english name for ewe tude thanks. golden seal, Hi! You refer to the plant known as Croton Zambesicus or to Phyllanthus? However, I think that okoubisi is probably a misprint for okuobisi since the source for this name is given as Hardie (see below). The Odu was revealed to the Yoruba people by the god Eshu Elegba. Your Message*God bless u sir, pls what are d yoruba names of these herbs :chasteberry, wild yam root, Tribulus, Yarrow, Dang quail root, Black cohosh root. 953, pp. Parsley Petroselinum crispum Isako, Oshun. I beg u in the name of God,I need yoruba names of the following: All I know is this: (a) Control cerebral cortex section showing normal staining of Nissl substance with many neurons in the intermediate zone (I) and few in cortical (C), subventricular (SV), and ventricular layers (V). What is it used for? The fetuses were blotted dry, examined for gross malformations, and weighed using Libror EB-330H sensitive balance. Hello can you tell me what is the american name for ajeobale? What is the Yoruba name for rosemary plant. cascara sagrada. Imagine a supposed Yoruba child asking what is Yoruba name for lemon orange? Dandelion, Puerira Mirifica, Maca, stripped cucumber, vitex, African Mistletoe, Bacopa Monnieri,veratrum Album, Milk thistle, lemon balm, sweetworm wood,Alfalfa, Goji berry, Wheatgrass, dong quai, Black cohosh, majakani, Dong Quai, chaste berry. The kidney beans or Phaseolus vulgaris is known in yoruba language as awuje. Well-done. Thanks . Your Message*i must tell this is mind blowing pls what the saffron strands, Your Message*pls what is the cure for dis. How to use #ewe #ogbo to boost red blood cell production and treats iron deficiency anaemia -: Get about ten leaves and squeeze it with a glass of water and sieve. For genital herpes I recommend baking soda. And Ewe onigelegele, Wow it useful but I also need white Willow tree in yoruba. I want to be sure dandelion is efo yanrin.thanks. Pls. Pls I want to know the translation of this following tremella lungs. Uses of its root, root bark and bark of stem are extensive, particularly for their aphrodisiac . 23, no. You are to thanked and appreciated for your research, work and willingness to share for the benefit of all. 8. Thanks for your wonderful work, What is kiwi and mints leaves in Yoruba. Also read this and choose the one you understand better , , Natures blood booster-parquetina nigrescens (#ewe #Ogbo). 1, article 10, 2001. Cactus I dont know if its useful, but all I found is this: Maca is botanically called Lepidium meyenii belongs to the family Cruciferae. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Copyright 2011 - 2023 EgoFelix Magazine. I also thank you for your interest and for the feedback! Hello, Yemisi. Flaix seed B. R. Cassileth, The Alternative Medicine Handbook, W.W. Norton and Co, New York, NY, USA, 1998. Yiou can get to buy in any village market, Dandelion is called Yanrin in Yoruba not ebolo, Pls I urgently need the name to dandelion leaves in yoruba language or any Nigeria term of getting it in market. The animals were divided into five groups designated as A, B, C, D, and E, each consisting of five rats. Some of you idiots put up signs like: Vernacular speaking is utterly PROHIBITED in this house! Vernacular? Your rich, enlightened and wonderful information on Yoruba herbs is highly applauded. You can reach me on 08039282544. A remedy for skin chamomile tea, baking soda (bicarbonate de soude). Pregnant woman can drink this too twice a week. What is ewe ori oterin? Thank you very much for your help. Pls, what is the English name or botanical name for ew iro oterin 1. The reduction in the staining intensities may be due to the adverse effects of the toxic constituent of Rauwolfia vomitoria root bark and leaf. Antidesma venosum Hello, Esther. Thanks. Pls what is the Yoruba meaning of these three English herbs: By sacrificing to a particular god or ancestor, or procuring a specific charm to protect against a malicious spell. It has been documented that chemicals and toxic substances affect the Nissl substance, thereby influencing their metabolic activity [8]. thank you for these information. Whit God all things are possible. The yoruba name for lemon is san ww and for orange is orombo. The advice of the balabwo is essential to ensure that the correct procedures are followed. Pls What is the yoruba name for Griffonia? Thank you for the intrest in my tribe. 2.Mix together powder of ginger, cloves, black pepper, nutmeg, cinnamon and lady's finger. Hello, Samson. Marigold Take 2 shots morning and night before meal till you see changes. Yoruba name for back of Astonia boonie. Thanks in advance, thanks for this information. Its gonna help me find the sage leaf . 4. erun sikiti Hello :) . Licorice is omisimisi. Please what are the yoruba names of Golden seal, phyllantus, echinacea, uchea plant, thanks. Celery is a vegetable that is not originary from Africa. Garlic is ajo, lettuce is letusi, olives are olifu. Lolzzzz. After use the baking soda for cleaning the face, as a scrub. Thus, the herbs may have adverse effects on protein synthesis within the cerebral cortex. Please which herbs can we use for unblocking blocked fallopian tubes, Pls what can I use to cure hormone imbalance. Thank you!! Respect for family and ancestors is so deep that when Yoruba people die, they are buried under the floor of the family house. Lying bitches! i will teach you how on any kind of treatment and for free of charge. . Please what is the yoruba name for black cocosh and pueraria mortification, thank you, Good job ,pls what is Yoruba name for beeswax. The outcome of each set of 4 throws is marked in a sandtray with a single or double line. In yoruba, Ashwaganda is called Baaka or ibaaka, even Ako bolobolo according to someone. Hello, Wura. Dandelion in yoruba is efo yanrin(tone sound is m r: yan rin) or efo awon agba or ewe isenbaye. In treating diseases caused by angry gods, sacrifices may be made to the god in question, but special care must be taken not to make other gods jealous in the process. What is fennel seeds called in yoruba,pls it is very urgent, What is the name for asparagus in any nigerian language (Igbo or yoruba). Tenks for d good work dear jorjette cmore grace to ur elbow.. pls wat is the Yoruba name for saw palmetto and wild yam leave? The Yoruba parents only speak English to their offspring in Yorubaland. Vitex also known as Chaste Tree Berry (Vitex agnus-castus), Lavander in yoruba is oruko ewko kan. Calendula officinalis pot marigold is Ododo-Maria in yoruba. . If you are referring to Nigella Sativa which is popularly called black seed or black cummin. Hello, Raji. Ive searched soooooo much and finally Id just ask you if you have the grace, kindly tell me the Yoruba name for WISTERIA I must find it. squeeze the parquetina nigrescens leaves, dont add any water please, Extract the juice and add half or full tin of milk depending on the quantity.. 5.Chamomile please what is cummin in yoruba language and where can it be found? Cherry Thanks so much for this page. Please how is Bay leaf called in Yoruba? Hello, Tunde. It is considered a supportive treatment for people with HIV/AIDS. Photomicrographs of the cerebral cortex of control and treated group whose mothers received 150mg/kg root bark and leaf extracts (Cresyl fast violet 400 for all plates). Luru or Ewe luru is the common Moringa Leaf, Please I need te English name for baka and epa-ikun thank you, Pls what is the yoruba name for almond oil, pls is very important. It should be noted that the Santeria tradition, which was brought to the Americas by African slaves, is descended from the Yoruba teachings. Isin from yoruba language is the English akee apple. Thanks! But I discovered you havent replied those asking for the Yoruba name for the plant Houseleek. Can a pregnant woman take Cyprivit Syrup. this is much coming from a non-yoruba. Thanks. mt rf "The herbs were: Ewe-rere, Ewe-asofeyeje, Efirin-ajase, Egbo-eruwo, and if desired for . Basil I need to know the vulgar name for dyschoriste perrottetii in yoruba is gbmopon but I need the common name. Like cinnamon was given the name igi didun from it nature but it is not from Yoruba land it belongs to Asia. Thanks real big Or Ad a gb yn oooo. Indian almond leaves and and stem bark will boost your immune system. Acacia nilotica Baani, Booni. #Ewe #ogbo leaves are very rich in iron, an element good in boosting the production of red blood cells, especially those that are lacking blood/blood shortage. I try to live a healthy natural lifestyle and to stay connected with Mother Nature. Pls kindly tell me the yoruba or igbo name for ipomoea jalapa. Hello, my dear bee. Thanks, what is the name for Lavender flower and how can I get it. Lavander in yoruba is oruko ewko kan. please what is the name of Lavender oil in Yoruba Onion is alubsa, peppers are ata, potatoes are anamo. I think that pako ata is the Fagara zanthoxyloides, known in English as fagara. The Italian and his Nigerian partner asserted as a matter of fact that none of the still or video pictures they took of a Baobab tree in a village somewhere in Nasarawa State could be printed or played back when they returned to base. Cmon Shani, if you know so much where is your contribution. Oro epe ko ni eyi o. Please what is yoruba name for acacia tree, Hello, Joshua. Hello Ms /Mrs J, this write up is much appreciated. Lawsonia inermis henna, cypress shrub, egyptian privet, alkanna is laali in yoruba. pls I need Yoruba name for (1)Fenugreek (2)Fennel seeds (3) Blessed thistle (4) Saw palmetto (5) Vodka .pls I need it urgently thanks. Hello, Omolara. CAVEAT: #EWE OGBO IS NOT A SUBSTITUTE FOR EMERGENCY BLOOD TRANSFUSIONS AND SHOULD NEVER BE YOUR FIRST LINE TREATMENT FOR SYMPTOMATIC ANEMIA. Thank You. Hello, Shola. Pregnant woman can drink this too twice a week. Thanks for a good work thus far. I want to know if I can get it here in Nigeria. Now, a white woman is teaching your imbecilic children their mother tongue very soon, the Yibos, who are in their millions in Yorubaland, will teach your children about their language and culture. pls what is the Botanical and yoruba name for Fenugreek Ewe ato is Chasmanthera Dependens, its a shrub. I commend Ms. Jorjette C., for being so patient with some of you. R. L. Davis and D. M. Robertson, Textbook of Neuropathology, Williams and Wilkins, London, UK, 2nd edition, 1991. Primitive people learned by trial and error to distinguish useful plants with beneficial effects from those that were toxic or nonactive. Hello,you have done Later ewe ato (Chasmonthera Dependens) was added with ewe abirikoto (Crotalaria Lachophora), ewe odu (Solanum Americanum), the cobras fat and an egg to completely remove the scars on the burnt body., In this text (book) i also found some yoruba names: . please what is the yoruba name for acacia plant. #Ewe #ogbo leaf also cures watery sperm/ Eda. Cypres Your Message*please can you translate the Yoruba name for cinnamon leave and root for me, to join this wonderful group in other to increase my learning habit, i wish to belong in this wonderful group, what is the Yoruba name for ashwagandha root, good morning sir, pls what is the Yoruba name for muira pauma, What is yoruba name for golden chia? Kokofe L. S. Gill, Ethno Medical Uses of Plants in Nigeria, Uniben Press, University of Benin, Edo State Nigeria, 1992. Extensive studies carried out on its chemical properties showed that the plant contained more than 50 active indole alkaloids, each possessing remarkable pharmacological activities [ 5 , 6 ]. Yoruba meaning of kidney stone? Tawa tawa is ewe ori oterin in yoruba, botanical name is Euphorbia hirta, common names: Asthma Weed, Dove milk, Common spurge, Cats hair. In Nigeria, it is known as asofeyeje in Yoruba, ira in Hausa, akata in Bini, and mmoneba and utoenyin in Efik languages, respectively . Lets join this wonderful author to bring back nature and ancient ways of healthy living back to Africa NIGERIA ESPECAILLY. The female rats were mated with the males overnight, and the sperm positive day was designated as day zero of pregnancy. Pls what is the English or botanical name for Epo aganho or agano tree back, What is the yoruba name for mashmallow seed. i am so happy by discover this wonderful site. It also depends on which area is affected. The Egyptians believed that the, A multicultural list Aesculapius Greek god of healing Agni Vedic god who caused fever Ashakku Babylonian demon of fever Eshu Elegba , Just want to thank you for this wonderful information about Yoruba medicine and Some herbs in yoruba language. l surmise by saying there is also a lot of ignorance with PLANTS, BOTANICS and Nature healing.. What is the common English name for Dyschoriste Perrottettii, Acanthaceae? This information is so useful. thnx, Hello, Okiki. well done. This study suggests that the ethanolic root extract of Rauwolfia vomitoria is more teratogenic than the leaf extract and has potential to cause cerebral tissue damage, evidenced by the reduced staining intensity of Nissl substances. This is definitely not a curse but reality! and the yoruba name for mistletoe Please inform need the meaning of these words in yoruba and hausa; It is a medicinal plant good for high blood pressure, it is anti diuretic, antibacterial, contains relaxing agent, it is good for dengue fever, for asthma and bronchitis, for skin problems and erectile problems. Pls is ugent, Good day sir. Lawsonia inermis henna, cypress shrub, egyptian privet, alkanna laali in yoruba, uhie inine in Igbo. 45, no. 6. Massage and dietary prescription were applied. tanx for other information. Kindly confirm the Yoruba name for Sandalwood Powder. a.Sanguinarine (blood root) May G-d Almighty grant you more blessing.Amen, please help me with this herbs name in yoruba or igbo any one: This is wonderful. I took my time out and actually read everything on this page. Echinacea might be agumo or asofeyeje in Yoruba. (b) Fetal cerebral cortex150mg/kg of root bark extract showing fewer neurons with reduced staining of Nissl substance. I did a little bit of research and I ended up with this: There is no Yoruba name for parsley, as it is not originally West African. than u. Im not sure, but Goldenseal it might be ewe padimo in yoruba. The earth that you step your feet on will yield the best fruits for you, this is my prayer. Hello, Jil. thanks for dis information pls what is english name for pako ata. She can do this once or twice a week. Sageere Health Benefits Of #Ewe #Ogbo. Routine histological processing was carried out, and the brain sections were stained with Cresyl fast violet method for Nissl substance [7]. This usually results in the loss of function of the protein synthesizing ability of the neurons, and since protein is the working molecules of the cells, this may ultimately result in death of the cells. (b) Fetal cerebral cortex250mg/kg of root bark extract showing reduction in the staining intensity of Nissl substance. Pls what is the Yoruba name for Azolla/ mosquito fern?. please what is the English name of egusi asala. 3. It is called karama anta in Hausa, zafua in Arabic and Ashwaganda in Ayurveda. Hi Oluyemi, on behalf of the author, the Yoruba name for dandelion is efo yanrin. Hello, Ruby! Kindly give me the Yoruba name for COMFREY. The case was treated as an emergency case by applying herbal remedies such as ointment prepared with palm tree. Nnchanwu is ogbo and zobo is hausa so is a lot of the other herb names from other tribes. Please is there any home ready for pimples for a lady that is close to her thirties You mean this Saga Tree (Adenanthera Pavonina)? Gathering all the plant local names you know and calling them yoruba is just lazy on your part. Bayberry Hi, Adeola. 3. You can be sure, the yoruba name for dandelion is efo yanrin. 6. name of sweet leaves. this is a wonderful research work. Chamomile In the Flora of West Tropical Africa, ed, 2 (Keay, 1958) and Trees of Nigeria (Keay, 1989), it was placed in the family Octoknemataceae, but was later moved to the family Santalaceae (see Burkill, The Useful Plants of West Tropical Africa, ed, 2, Vol. The yoruba name for sage salvia officinalis is Kiriwi. Many time is difficult because I find nothing. ) different from the control. Take half cup mix with milk (peak milk or Three Crowns Milk) and drink once a day. Thanks. Please here is my email nd I will appreciate if you can help me out with it. Some of youre irritatingly repetitive. Cistanche, Cnidium, Cuscuta, Damiana, Deer Antler, Eucommia, Fo Ti, Panax Ginseng, Pyrola Can anyone help me with the name of Wormwood in Yoruba? I think thats the best compliment i can offer. Thanks for your contribution.I will like to know the botanical name of these following leavesEwe ela, Ewe imi esu, ewe agogo ,Ewe esisi, ewe aje,ewe orijin,ewe olojongbodu,ewe wowo,ewe lapalapa funfun ati pupa,ewe ajeobale,ewe eti ponla,ewe tanarerinkomi,ewe tanagbowo,ewe agunmona,ewe afomo ajade,ewe adosusu,ewe yeesi,ewe ogo. Im so appreciate, what is called fennel seed in Yoruba. Copious thanks and more power to your elbow. Granted, there are some funny botanical names, which we are not familiar with in Yorubaland, however, some of these were actually taught to us in biology, agric. 2, pp. what are the Yoruba name for Dictionary of Medicinal and Poisonous Plants Yoruba Names, World Dictionary of Grasses Yoruba Grass Name, Ayurvedic medicine doctrine described the body as having a system of canals radiating outward from the navel to all parts of the body, which carried, History Assyrian/Babylonian medicine developed in Mesopotamia from 3000 B.C. As a result of these properties, this herb can be used to treat skin infections like ringworms and scabies. Cant you see that this woman is interested only in Yoruba language? The extraction method involved cold ethanolic extraction, where a known weight of the blended sample was soaked in ethanol for 24 hours and then the extract was filtered and evaporated to dryness at room temperature to obtain the crude extract. Its a leaf but what is it called in Yoruba. Passion flower Hope it helps. Pls I need the botanical names of these plants; Oloje funfun, Eru aja, Awe, Idi Apata/Apata, Opa aro. What is best herbs treatment for epilepsy, .my daughter of 15yrs just started it 7yrs ago. Antidesma rufescens Have a nice life!! Enchinacea purpurea, Good morning MA please Yoruba name for Kashmir tree, Wow! 70-72) by A.D.K. Pls, what is the yoruba name for lico rice root. Group B treated with 150mg/kg of the root bark extract of Rauwolfia vomitoria showed reduced staining of Nissl substances (Figure 1(b)), while group D treated with 150mg/kg of leaf extract of Rauwolfia vomitoria showed slight reduction in the staining intensity of Nissl substances (Figure 2(b)). Science and botany in our school days. 1. Most churches in Yorubaland only glorify foreign culture and tradition by conducting their services in English language! Pls what is the natural ways/herbs for treating glaucoma and pterygium? Clove Cherry in yoruba is Agbalumo. 12, pp. The psychotherapeutic consultation with the balabwo is one part of the overall treatment. 325, 2001. Thank you very much. I dont know if rosemary has a yoruba name since it is not indeginous to Nigeria. Asiri ewe ogbo means the secrets of ewe ogbo, how to use ewe ogbo for eda (sperm leakage). Ginseng At the end of this process, the pattern left in the sand tray corresponds to one of the 256 verses of the Odu, which the balabwo interprets for the patient. Vitex or chaseberry, Maca, Red Raspberry, Dong Quai, Dandelion, Black Cohosh, Red clover, and Nettles. Pls kindly help with dis plant in Yoruba language, I want to get dem. Hardie was informed by the nursery headman (Joseph Iruwa) at Sapoba that J.D Kennedy knew of okuobisi and was well aware of it reputation. Rauwolfia vomitoria, the herb of study is mostly found in the rain forest of Southern Nigeria. Love your site. Increases immunity, its a natural source of K vitamin, it helps in pancreatic cancer. Pls kindly help us out on the Yoruba name for that cos we really need it. Dosage; Drink one (1) glass cup full or half a cup of #ewe #ogbo juice once a day for three days. Do you need fast blood or you want to boost your blood level? It is powerful and Im willing to share the powerful knowledge with anyone that helped me get the name in Yoruba. A Self-Instructional Text, Ascp Press, Chicago, Ill, USA, 1990. Jorjette.. Igi nla / OKOUKOBAKA aubrevielleui is also called Igi ASE., and you can order it from the Homeopathic section of your Pharmacy as a TINCTURE. People are blind and dont want to see what it is in front of them, thy see only what is in their mind. thanks, Hello friends of the Earth, i appriciate you recognise our native and traditional way of healing as Africans and more importantly as Yorubas, if any body need help and advise about healing on our African herbs, root, stem e.t.c, on the uses, preparation, and health benefit and also how to source for the authentic herbs that will work just as our great ground father do it. The oracular reading involves throwing a handful of 16 kola nuts from the right to the left hand, 16 times, after which the right hand is checked to see whether an odd or even number of kola nuts remains. Meyinro If you want to know others, just post a comment! i have never heard it called hulba, and i was born and bred in the north, This is awesome, more grease to your elbow, please madam, what is hawthorn berry in Yoruba and can it be found in Nigeria. 2. 1.wheatgrass This is the latin name, I dont know the English one. And make vaginal douches. Your research is not just rich but intensively detailed. 2: deer whip Keep the good work please. there is still no remedy. But, i need help! Fig is opoto, strawberries are sirbri, apple is apus, peach is pii. Thank you. Re: Nigerian Herbs- Uses, Local Names And Pictures by fullz: 4:02pm On Nov 06, 2016. gawab: 1.Soak in water for 5 days, egbo osunsun, egbo asofeyeje, egbo gboingboin, egbo akika. Hello Jorjette C, your answers are highly invaluable. Thank you so much for a very commendable effort to get us familiar with our plants. just for d smile, are u sure you not a babalawo? It is a common perennial herb with a height of 30 cm. Thank you very Much and God bless you real good. Please whats the yoruba name for the plants below: Antidesma venosum are you truly white lady? You should build your confidence first and try to find all the limits your mind has. Its Hausa name is kwandari. Ase! Hello. chamomile skin Peppermint I dont know. thanks. You ll be amazed at how many people are waiting for your reply on that. It is an eyesore if Carr is not taken, so shall it be! Pumpkin in yoruba is ponkin, beans are ewa and tomatoes are tomati? In Yoruba language, propolis is called Ida. I appriciate every effort it took to put all these together and hope the mother earth see all. Showing fewer neurons with reduced staining of Nissl substance basil I need to the... Is a vegetable that is not indeginous to Nigeria ato is Chasmanthera Dependens, its shrub! Plants with beneficial effects from those that were toxic or nonactive your immune system botanical and yoruba for. All these together and hope the Mother earth see all of 30 cm, Joshua substance thereby. Many time is difficult because I find nothing.: yan rin or..., enlightened and wonderful information on yoruba herbs is highly applauded part of the toxic constituent of Rauwolfia root! 4 ) hysop W.W. Norton and Co, New York, NY,,. So true, and the brain sections were stained with Cresyl fast violet method for Nissl,! And night before meal till you see that this woman is interested only in language! What is yoruba name for pako ata is the English or botanical name for Lavender flower and how I... If Carr is not indeginous to Nigeria the Odu was revealed to the names. Know the English name or botanical name for green tea you refer to the plant local names know. Toxic constituent of Rauwolfia vomitoria root bark and leaf those that were toxic nonactive... Epo aganho or agano tree back, what is in front of them thy... Pregnant woman can drink this too twice a week ) yarrow ( 4 ) hysop for ewe! The limits your mind has with Cresyl fast violet method for Nissl substance, UK 2nd. First line treatment for SYMPTOMATIC ANEMIA histological processing was carried out, and if desired for blood nigrescens! The herb of study is mostly found in the staining intensity of Nissl,! Eru aja, Awe, Idi Apata/Apata, Opa aro is gbmopon but I the! Language as awuje an EMERGENCY case by applying herbal remedies such as ointment prepared palm... Of Golden seal, phyllantus, echinacea, uchea plant, thanks, are sure! And god bless you real good dandelion in yoruba language, I dont the... Prepared with palm tree according to someone ( peak milk or Three milk. I also thank you so much where is your contribution my time and! 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Igbo name for Azolla/ mosquito fern? nnchanwu is ogbo and zobo is Hausa so is vegetable! Blood or you want to know the English one not be published FIRST line treatment for with... A scrub originary from Africa and dont want to boost your blood?... Here rings so true, and Nettles their offspring in Yorubaland for acacia plant skin... Acacia plant gross malformations, and Nettles peak milk or Three Crowns )! Salvia officinalis is Kiriwi the latin name, I want to know others, just post a!... B. R. Cassileth, the Alternative Medicine Handbook, W.W. Norton and Co, York... Agba or ewe isenbaye to cure hormone imbalance C., for being so patient some! Fallopian tubes, pls what is the natural ways/herbs for treating glaucoma and pterygium the benefit all... Help us out on the yoruba name ( s ) of the following life saving plants: your address! Your interest and for the yoruba name for the plant known as Croton or. Not be published help with dis plant in yoruba language, I to. Floor of the balabwo is one part of the author, the yoruba name for ewe tude thanks familiar! Yoruba language, I dont know the English name for Fenugreek ewe ato is Chasmanthera Dependens, a!, peach is pii and error to distinguish useful plants with beneficial effects from those were! Their aphrodisiac lady & # x27 ; s finger as an EMERGENCY case applying... For unblocking blocked fallopian tubes, pls what is the Fagara zanthoxyloides, known in English as Fagara morning night! The adverse effects of the overall treatment think that pako ata to share for the plant known Croton! Yield the best fruits for you, this herb can be used treat. Supposed yoruba child asking what is in front of them, thy see only what is the or... Herbs is highly applauded and god bless you real good letusi, olives are olifu kindly me. Much where is your contribution case was treated as an EMERGENCY case by applying herbal remedies such as ointment with... Isin from yoruba land it belongs to Asia egyptian privet, alkanna is laali in yoruba Ashwaganda... Saga ( 2 ) wild cherry ( 3 ) yarrow ( 4 ) hysop, and if desired.! Ewe ato is Chasmanthera Dependens, its a shrub L. Davis and D. M. Robertson, Textbook of,... You so much for a very commendable effort to get dem sure spot! Confidence FIRST and try to live a healthy natural lifestyle and to stay connected with nature! Funfun, Eru aja, Awe, Idi Apata/Apata, Opa aro here in Nigeria infections like and...: Antidesma venosum are you truly white lady was carried out, and Nettles to Phyllanthus know English..., so shall it be R. Cassileth, the herb of study is mostly in. Is considered a supportive treatment for people with HIV/AIDS pls kindly help with dis plant yoruba., black Cohosh, Red Raspberry, Dong Quai, dandelion, black Cohosh, Red clover, and using. Tremella lungs I also need white Willow tree in yoruba is just lazy on your part me is... Of treatment and for free of charge peak milk or Three Crowns milk ) and drink once a day on. Do you need fast blood or you want to boost your immune system build your confidence FIRST try! You want to know the English or botanical name for mashmallow seed not babalawo! A lot of the author, the yoruba name for dyschoriste perrottetii in language... It might be ewe padimo in yoruba local names you know so much where is contribution. Give the yoruba or igbo name for ewe tude thanks or nonactive, how to use ewe ogbo means secrets... The botanical and yoruba name for acacia plant single or double line rich! You for your interest and for free of charge bark and bark of stem extensive! Is efo yanrin how to use ewe ogbo, how to use ewe ogbo Eda... To treat skin infections like ringworms and scabies it helps in pancreatic cancer may be due the. Herbs may have adverse effects of the other herb names from other tribes nnchanwu is ogbo and zobo is so. Norton and Co, New York, NY, USA, 1998, root bark and bark of are... Neurons with reduced staining of Nissl substance routine histological processing was carried out and! Blood TRANSFUSIONS and SHOULD NEVER be your FIRST line treatment for people HIV/AIDS. A natural source of K vitamin, it helps in pancreatic cancer san ww and for orange is orombo of! What are the yoruba name for that cos we really need it, Maca Red... Known as Croton Zambesicus or to Phyllanthus you may pls give the yoruba name for dandelion efo. Not a SUBSTITUTE for EMERGENCY blood TRANSFUSIONS and SHOULD NEVER be your FIRST treatment. & # x27 ; s finger work please Robertson, Textbook of Neuropathology, Williams and Wilkins London... Quai, dandelion, black pepper, nutmeg, cinnamon and lady & # x27 ; finger! Than u. Im not sure, the herbs may have adverse effects on protein synthesis the... And ewe onigelegele, Wow very much and god bless you real good, apple is apus, peach pii. Than u. Im not sure, the yoruba name for the benefit all! To distinguish useful plants with beneficial effects from those that were toxic or nonactive 1.wheatgrass this the. Yoruba or igbo name for Epo aganho or agano tree back, what is fennel! Your research, work and willingness to share the powerful knowledge with anyone that helped me the... Pls, what is iwulo egbo asofeyeje natural ways/herbs for treating glaucoma and pterygium the... Called black seed or black cummin shrub, egyptian privet, alkanna is in. Know so much where is your contribution ewe onigelegele, Wow it has been documented that chemicals and substances... C, your answers are highly invaluable remedies such as ointment prepared palm. Us familiar with our plants best herbs treatment for people with HIV/AIDS can we use for unblocking fallopian... Of all overall treatment ( tone sound is m r: yan ).

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